Andi - week 1

I took my pup - Molly btw, to the vets today. The poor wee mite had me up all night whining and groaning with a sore back paw. She was in alot of pain; I couldnt take it anymore so I phoned the vet at 5am and she said to bring her up at 8.30am. She didnt think her leg was fractured but she has to have complete rest and go back to the vet on Wednesday. Its actually quite funny because she is so drugged up on pain killers and is giving me some really blurry looks and she has just ate hers and my other dogs dinner in about 20 seconds - I think her infamous appetite has returned! Hopefully she will be ok.

Totm came today, which explains the mood swings and how I have been feeling the past few days. My PMS is really bad and seems to be getting worse each month, I have a hospital appointment in a couple of weeks so I will mention it then. If they dont give me something I think I will live in my shed for a week each month and spare my family the drama!

I have stuck to my points today, im too tired to eat more. Weigh in tomorrow, im hopeful for a small loss - fingers crossed xxxxxxx:sign0009:

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the things us women have to go thru eh & what our families have to put up with ! hope now its here you can keep on track, it knocks me off balance too
noticed there seems to be a lot of us having totm at hte same time here on the site ~ strange !!
hope your pup is feeling better soon, bless her
Aww your poor puppy, hope she's better soon :hug99:
Hope you're feeling a bit better today love, let us know how it goes at the hospital.
Best of luck for your wi.
I lost 2.5 lbs!! Im very happy with that considering the bbq debacle! I am now under the hundred and my ticker is moving along nicely. No-one in my family has shown any interest at all and I have decided that I really like it this way. There is no pressure and phonecalls and I can just get on with it on the quiet. H has the kids at the dentist so I think I will make the most of it and go to the gym for a wee 30 min workout.

I lost 2.5 lbs!! Im very happy with that considering the bbq debacle! I am now under the hundred and my ticker is moving along nicely. No-one in my family has shown any interest at all and I have decided that I really like it this way. There is no pressure and phonecalls and I can just get on with it on the quiet. H has the kids at the dentist so I think I will make the most of it and go to the gym for a wee 30 min workout.


Super loss Andi, well done!
As for a 30 min workout at the gym i doubt i would last 5 mins..:ashamed0005:
So good on ya again!, Youll be at target in no time.
Woohoo well done andi :party0011::party0011::party0011:
That's a great loss, hope your workout at the gym went well.
wish i could sumon up the enthusiasm to go to the gym, i know it'd make me feel better, i just can't get the bug :(
I used to use the gym alot, then i had to change gyms as my old one was just too expensive and far away and the local leisure centre just didnt match up so i stopped going. I was quite disappointed really because i did enjoy going, so if you could do a workout for me id be grateful lol.

Thanks everyone for your comments. Its lovely to see posts on my thread - sorry for all my ramblings:blahblah:. I still havent got the hang of quotes - how do you reply to everyone in the one post?

I didnt go to the gym the other night - I decided to paint my living room- it looks well. I went to the gym last night with my friend acting as "personal trainer" and she nearly killed me - talk about being taken out of your comfort zone!:character00115:

For some reason I was really really hungry on Wednesday night and went 10 points over :ashamed0005: but I have been slowly making up for it the past couple of days and by Tuesday I should be ok (thats if I dont go mad at the weekend!) I have another dreaded bbq on Sunday with h's aunt who literally piles the plates with food and then serves up seconds! I will be controlled and do the shuffling excess food around the plate trick; that or I will bring the dogs and feed them:eat:.

I would love to lose 2 lbs this week :innocent0001: so im trying really hard.


Well done on your workout, it's good you had your friend with you to give a that extra push.
Enjoy your bbq on Sunday, I've got a quite a quiet weekend apart from my sons friend's party on Sunday, the thing is it's in a PUB :eek: omg how am I going to resist the wine lol! Shouldn't be too hard as they've got a big park and a bouncy castle so I'll probably be on that, must remember to wear jeans though :giggle:
Meant to say andi, you press the button with the speech marks (if you hover your cursor over it, it says 'Multi-Quote This Message' and click on the messages you want to quote.
I haven't actually used that one yet so if I've told you wrong forgive me! I'm sure someone else will be able to correct me.
I went to yet another bbq yesterday - suffice to say that I ate everything, including a piece of lemon meringue and cream.:rolleyes: Im back on track today and I plan to go to the gym tonight for a super duper work -out. Im not that hopeful for much of a loss tommorrow. I would be happy with a pound; fingers crossed I dont put on:innocent0001:.

Good luck for tomorrow, i will keep fingers crossed you have a loss lol.

Get on the treadmill and run like that lb is chasing you :D