*angie*'s target maintainance diary

That sounds like a lovely day - just have an extra glass of vino AFTER weigh in tomorrow to compensate xx
... oh I shall then - if you insist! :D
I love reading your food diary Angie as you always have such scrummy meals! Gonna try your pancakes this week xx
Tuesday is weigh in day!

I've been rushing about this morning, but I did manage a quick step on the scales this morning (as I do every tuesday morning :copon: naughty naughty angie) and the early indication is good for a stay the same (which I would be very pleased with - that is after all, what I am trying to do!!!:D)

Taster night at class tonight, so I am taking two pots of SW rice pud - one made with toffee muller and banana, the other made with fromage frais, vanilla essence and fresh raspberries - yum!

Daughter woke with a huge rash on her face, so off to the docs to discover she has impetigo - meds prescribed, but means we miss out on swimming this pm :cry: So to cheer her up, I let her cook lunch (she is only 6 bless her) ... so that was yummy.

Bit of a treaty meal planned for later after weigh in (with an extra glass of wine because I was told to ;):D) so, the sun is shining, I shall stay at home with daughter, and not drink after 4pm ... the usual EE today -

B 0% greek with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries (they were on offer!), tea (milk HA)

L - cooked by my 6 yo - pasta with broccoli, joes sausage, peas, tomatoes, oil (6 syns) and basil yummy :D followed by a banana and a toffee muller light.

D after weigh in will be a 'Joe's burger' with bacon in a wholemeal roll (HB) and lots of SW chips, and salad.

a glass of wine (6 syns) and a G&T (2.5) taking me nearly up to todays limit (14.5 total)

... might just squeeze a small slice of cheddar into that burger - a couple of syns over, but it is weigh in day, and you won't be telling anyone will you ;)
Lol @ Angie! Re: the wine ;)

Sorry to hear about your daughter with impetigo, not nice. Hope the meds clear it up real soon. :cross: for you for at least a STS at WI tonight xx
Pants - gained a lb tonight :(

Ho hum, I am still in my target zone (Target +1.5) so I shouldn't complain (much!)

I think this week I shall have a couple of Red/Green or SE days to balance a family Easter, and hopefully I will feel positive about standing on the scales next week :eek:
Right - gonna get back to the *middle* of my target range - those scales better be scared!

Gorgeous green day today, avoiding Easy for at least one day! -

B - 0% greek with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, tea (milk HA)

L - with still spotty daughter, SW chips, spag hoops and 'fried' eggs. wholemeal roll (HB) with spread (2syns), muller after.

D - Cous cous with a chickpea and chicken (HB) tagine.

I have another A choice to use, so might make a real rice pud (milk, pudding rice, sweetner in the oven) for afters tonight.

syns will be gin (2.5) and wine (6) so total of 10.5 today, which is about perfect for my weightloss days...
I am going to have another green day today - It is back to basics for me at the moment - Extra Easy is very - ermm easy, but it is also easy to let the 'diet' slip and a few old habits creep back in. I think it is telling that I didn't really want to go back to red/green as to how much I was starting to play at EE.

A few days back on the basic plan will get me back on the straight and narrow (with any luck!)

Green again then:

B 0% greek with strawbs, blueberries and raspberries. tea (milk HA)

L large jacket potato with eat naturally smooth cottage cheese, lots of sweetcor, and a very large salad (leaves, celery, toms, peppers, cue).

D will be SW chips with a hmburger (HB) and wholemeal bap (HB), cheddar (HA) and a salad. How many syns for a single slice of lean back bacon I wonder?

syns today: G&T (2.5) wine/beer (6) and bacon (guessing 2 syns as you get 3 slices for a HB)
D will be a starter of homegrown asparagus (1st of the season!!!) with quails eggs and ham - :D

Angie, i am soooooo jealous! I lurve asparagus and can't wait until I can get my hands on some locally, haven't seen any yet!!
Lol! yes we are very lucky - I planted only three crowns in a large half barrel three years ago - so this is the first year we can eat everything that grows - there will be another crop in a day or so :D

I have spent the afternoon baking Julie 19's Fat free sponge (in the recipes section) - I used orange essence in the cake batter, and used 1oz cocoa powder/1oz SR flour. As the cake has lots of flavour, I kept the filling simple and just used 0% greek yogurt, but I like the sharp contrast of cake and yogurt!

I will certainly try it again, adding chocolate essence in place of the orange, and flavouring the filling with orange instead.

I have taken a picci to show the size of a 1 syn piece (that I have just eaten!)

... ooh, I like school hols, I would never normally bake, but this cake is ultra low carb too, so suitable for daughter at only 4g carb per piece!


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Gosh, I have been doing SW for a year now (nearly to the day), and in all that time I have been able to remain in control my eating, and therefore stay on plan. The last few days I have been at M-I-L's house, and have had very little control.

which I don't like :(

We have had meals out, buffets in, and meals in. MIL tries to treat my daughter with food (which is inappropriate) and does the same to me and OH - 'oh, I can't be doing with you two slimming while you are here...'

That said, I have taken control where I can (meals out for example - never going to be perfect, but I have made good choices), best I can choices at buffets, and when eating at the table, I have been gracious, polite and got on with it :rolleyes: So really, I should feel pleased, but in reality, I feel blocked up, farty and a bit-too-big-round-the-middle :cry:

Still, back home now, back in control now ...

I need a good menu plan to focus the mind - hubby has done SW with me for the last year, and he is very supportive, and does what I do, but the minute he is given an inch, he takes a mile, and I know he will find it harder to be 100% back on plan.

Oh well, tonight we will only need something simple - maybe a mushroom omlette and big salad (all superfree), and I need to sit down with the cookbooks and get a good plan going.

I think I feel a theme week coming on.....:D
Theme week has been decided on - Indian week :D

I have done this before, but it gives me a chance to use my cook books (250+ of them lol!) focus on a theme to have the opportunity to try the more unusual, or less obvious recipes ...

It isn't going to be traditional 'curry and rice' though (although, maybe for one night..) instead, using traditional recipes, many with an international twist, and delving into some of the more obscure regional variations - whilst staying 100% on plan :D

Today though, having got back from the shops (and weigh in tonight :eek:) I will be starting gently ..

Today is a red day

B 0% greek with blackberries, tea (milk HA)

L Masala scrambled eggs ( eggs, onion, tomato, chilli and coriander) on 2 slices toast (HB) topped with sliced tomato - yum :D a very off theme muller light for afters (gotta use up whats in the fridge!)

D Guinea fowl wrapped in bacon with spiced potatoes (B) and medlar (2 syns) infused onions.

Weigh in tonight :( so shall be back after that ...
Gained 1/2lb. Currently I am target + 2 1/2 lb.

I am determined to turn this around. I DO NOT want to gain *again* next week. I would like to be closer to the centre of my target range not the top of it.

While at class, I thought I would aim to use 5 speed foods a day for the next week.

I shall copy this post (from tuesday weighers) into my food diary so I can't 'forget' it - anything to concentrate the mind eh :eek:
I have just had a read of your diary and I love the recipies that you have added, I am def going to try the chicken and bacon mash topped pie.

I can't believe how many cook books you have, although I must admit I have a fair few myself. I dont use mine ever though but I still can't resist buying them. My OH thinks I am mad :D

Good luck for this week :copon:(is this smiley supposed to be a pep talk kind of smiley-hope so)
HeHe! Yes, we are moving house in the next few months, and oH made me count them - when I refused, he counted them and got to 250 :eek: We have two bookcases in the kitchen!!!

Truthfully though, we do refer to them constantly, and even if they are not cooked from, they are all read - usually cover to cover :rolleyes:
Truthfully though, we do refer to them constantly, and even if they are not cooked from, they are all read - usually cover to cover :rolleyes:

lol I thought it was just me that like to look at the pictures.

I tried to cook chilli and lime scallops a while ago (or something else equally exotic;)) from the Gordon Ramsay cookbook and while his looked gorgeous, mine turned out all burnt and way too spicy. My OH tried to eat them as he knew that I had made them specially but he couldn't stomach more than 1.

Now I try and stick to just looking at the pictures - its safer that way:eek:
Hi Angie, I hope you have a good week this week. I know what it's like to "float" around the top end of your target range and it's b****y hard to get back down again. I'm currently 1.5 under my target but it's sometimes tough to stay there, although it is nice to have some breathing space.

I often say it's harder being at target than it is to lose the weight, some disbelieve but it's true!! We can't switch off, can't stop thinking about it and can't let things go too much.

I'm like you, I'm NEVER putting the weight on again and when I got to target i promised myself I would never pay again, so far I haven't although I've gone as far as 5lbs above my target and had to have a really good week that week!!

Anyway, enough of me, this is your diary but I just wanted to say I know how you feel!!! Good luck this week. xx
Well, an impromptu day off for hubby has turned into a lovely family day out, and although my lunch plans have been put off for another day, I am pleased to say that I managed to stay on plan, even if the indian theme failed :rolleyes:

Today is a green day, and I am still aiming for my 5 speed foods -

B 0% greek with strawberries (S), blackberries (S) and raspberries (S). tea (milk HA)

a morning wandering around glorious Stansted Mountfitchit Norman Castle, avoiding temptations (giant meringues filled wih cream, ice creams etc etc) led to going into the village for lunch

L cheese (A) and ham (B) omlette (4 syns for probable fat) with a very large undressed green salad including lettuce (S) and cucumber (S)

D lamb rogan josh (B) with a lentil (S) dahl and rice - yummy

after I will probably have some stewed blackberries (S) and apples (S) that I counted in yesterdays menu but couldn't eat them all (those B choice portions of fruit are enormous :eek:) with some yogurt.

glass of wine (6) brings syns to 10 leaving anough for a G&T or even a mojito if I am feeling flash ... (the new mint has started in the garden, so tonight might be the night :D)
Still enjoying reading your food diary Angie, you eat such a wide range of food and it always sounds yummy!! Your gain plus more will be gone next week, you seem determined, just wish I was! Anyhow hope you enjoyed your G&T or mojito (I love both)! xx