DD and Jo,
yes of course Jo is right - DD you really need to go back the beginning of this diary in September, now I'm coming to the end of conso and really should be calling it Stabilisation. At the very beginning I was quite scared to relax anything, and stuck to my Phase 1 but allowed myself some nice food without guilt! Only continued losses made me relax a bit and start to allow extras, I really didn't think I should lose more weight past 62kg (on the tum yes but not elsewhere, I'm quite 'bony' in places where I've always been padded before!)
I did eat 'proper' food in Galas, with yummy desserts etc. I certainly had a proper Christmas dinner, and restaurant meals out as well.
Now I've been here for 4 months and things change. I can see bad habits creeping in, created by the 'anything goes' mindset that Gala meals create in ME - meaning I will not only have a nice meal, but also take it as an excuse to have more than one extra thing that day, even if I can control the meal itself. This was obviously not helped by the Christmas season.
But this weekend I am very happy with the outcome: No Galas (one was Friday, the other will be Tue or Wed), so much more mental control:
Sat (PV):
B: Pancake with cottage cheese (with pineapple)
S: Oatbran biscuits
L: Eggs and soldiers (bread with cheese), grilled aubergine, yoghurt
S: 1 small
choc chip cookie (with friends), oatbran biscuits
D: Chicken & Butternut squash bake,
glass of wine, baked custard
Today (PV+carbs)
B: Nice slice of lean Ham (fresh out of the slow cooker), roasted Veg from yesterday, Fromage Frais.
S: Oatbran biscuits
L: Tortilla wrap with ham, cheese, grilled aubergine. Satsuma.
Home-baked cookie. Oatbran biscuits.
D: Cabbage & Ham stew with potatoes. Yoghurt
On top of that, bites from the kids food: spoonfuls of cereal (mmh Oatibix), a slice of pork & apple sausage last night, A spoonful or two of home made rice pudding.
The international food evening on Friday was great, and I got a taste of my cake, it was very nice - tasted quite German
I nearly ended up eating nothing: I had to pipe some cream onto the cake, and did the first trial 'rosette' onto a teaspoon first, which I then popped into my mouth: double cream onto an empty stomach, straight away I felt like I had indigestion!!
Luckily had to walk to school and back twice to carry my stuff over so that helped things along and I felt able to enjoy some food later!
I tried food from: India, Morocco, Bolivia, Peru, Hungary, Poland, Holland, Germany, France, England, Scotland. And it was all DELICIOUS, and in smallish morsels so I was not to badly stuffed afterwards

Had a glass of Wine when I got home.
So, onwards to another week!