i adore cchicken kebabs, and they are only 5.5 points. Well done on ur weight loss so far, you have done so well
Wow thats low!!...I might have to have one next w/end

I managed to have 4 drinks last night, a mixed lamb and chicken shish kebab with pitta and salad and still save 2 points!! (I counted 7.5 for the kebab) Am SO chuffed with myself! Andy (hubby) is making dinner tonight - smoked salmon and prawns to start then sirloin steak and a WW choc pud of some sort. Yu-uu-m!!
Great points value for last night, sounds yummy!!...Lovely that hubby is makiing dinner for you
Why don't you use sweet chilli sauce? 0.5pts for a tablespoon.
Hadn't thought of that, I like sweet chilli...I used to (before WW of course!) have a large doner, with garlic sauce, half a potion of chips with mayo and chilli sauce mixed together!!!...OMG it's no wonder im a hefferlump!!!

Today Damian went off to take Callum to football, dropped him off and came back with a big bouquet, a teddy and card....so much for £12-50 each!!!...I don't mind as I love bouquets, its one that sits in the ball of water a hand tied I think they are called lol...Anyway it's lovely

...I love my soppy hubby
I had to pop to the shops earlier and went to see my mum - She said last night she had fell over (trying to pull off stained glass fabalon stuff of her back door window!!) and had hurt her hand..she can be a bit of a pain (a drinker) so I thought oh it's probably not to bad - Well when I got round there her hand is huge and v.bruised

... I brought her a little tiny bottle of wine and some choccy and had have her at mine for the day, poor thing I really feel like an evil daughter :sigh:..Ive put a cold compress on it, hopefully that will take the swelling down a bit, we will see what it's like in the morning, but may require a trip to a and e
So plan is to take mum home around 5 and settle her down with some chinese, then hopefully chill for the evening
