Thanks very much everyone for your support.
It's all sort of paled into insignificance now
talk about crash down with a bump.
My other half has come home from work early, his motorbike is leaking petrol. Apparently the seam of the petrol tank is split. It means a new petrol tank. We don't have the money!
The conversation as he came in went....
Him, I'll have to have a new petrol tank.
Me, ok. before we talk about that... I lost 3 pounds this week.. I got all my targets and...
Him interupting.. yeah fine. You'll have to let me use your car to get to work.
Me, how do I get Isabelle to Nursery if you've got the car?
Him, not my problem. I have to get to work.
Me, you'll have to use your bicycle
Him, humph! only if the weather means I can.
Me, pissed off by now! I did well at slimming though
Him, walked out the door to the garage
As stupid as it sounds, I'm sat here in tears. His motorbikes (he has 3) are more important than me or what I achieve. It's always the same. Talk about knock the wind out of my sails