Ugly duckling going Swan.
A great many of the "symptoms" you describe are typical to most successful dieters.
Most dieters count calories obsessively, most exercise and feel guilty when they don't. Most have an ideal weight that keeps going down and it is by no means unusual to have a pair of skinny jeans you are determined to get into.
Anorexia is a whole different ball game.
I suffered from both anorexia and bulimia all through my twenties and you pretty much know you have an eating disorder no matter how much you deny it to other people. If you know you have crossed the line between dedicated dieter and ana sufferer, get help NOW.
However to put it into perspective, obesity is a far, far more common disease and every bit as deadly as anorexia.
There are far more of us killing ourselves from gluttony than there are people starving themselves to death in a country of plenty.
Desperate for chocolate is right to a degree. I am a body dysmorphic which many assume is like anorexia and while some sufferers have it too, the two are not exclusive. My weight gain has been the result of my disorder as I eat to overcome the fear and terror I feel about when I see my own face. I was in denile of my issues for years as many sufferers believe that they don't have the condition they are just ugly and as a result wasn't dianosed until recently. I am very lucky to have both a doctor and counsellor with experience of BDD as it's hard to find help.
My condition will cause me to act in completely irrational ways. It's a compulsive disorder, a form on OCD. I will do many things each say such as looking in reflective surfaces, excessive washing, avoiding dirt, and hiding from people.
The difference between me and someone who just has low self esteem is my concerns about my appearance stop me working. They stop me being able to get a regular job because my complusive habits can be hard to control without CBT. They also stop me leaving the house, traveling on public transport, and going out in sunshine. I have done dangerous things to my own skin in order to look normal despite the risks and pain involved.
It's the same with serial dieters who become obessed and anorexics. A serial dieter may do dangerous things like living on water and even throwing up but in the end if they became ill and a doctor told them to stop, they would do it. An anorexic in the throws of the illness can be in hospital being fed on a tube, too weak to go to the bathroom and still will attempt to lose weight even if it risks life. There is a limit one will hit and the other will cross.
However just because you are not a bag of bones, it's doesn't mean you haven't started going down that road. Image disorders are always best handled the quicker they start to arise. If you have serious concerns about your habits, talk to your doctor. The thing about image disorders is fundamently they are not about vanity, they are about an emotional need for control and self control. Most people who attempt to starve themselves are to a certain degree attempting control over their own lives. In all cases, counselling is always the best road. Whether you are over or underweight, in order to address any issue with food, you have to find out where the issue came from originally.
I think the best option is the BEAT website which will give you loads of advice. Talking to your doctor is the first step to take and ask them to refer you to a counsellor. On the NHS you are entitled to 8 weeks plus any additonal treatment such as CBT if needed. I would say whether you believe you have a problem or not, take this course of action as ether way it will help. Hope this helps X