Another determined newbie!


New Member
Hello everyone, been looking around the forum for a while and it seems like a great place to find support for weight loss!
I am very overweight, obese in fact. I am 32, 5 foot 5 and weight in at 220lbs. I have been in total denial (I never allowed my picture to be taken and never looked in the mirror) about my weight for a long time and that is a big part of the reason I have not done anything about it up until this point and why I let it get so out of hand.
It is now absolutely critical that I transform my body in a fairly short period of time of about 18 weeks. Sadly my partner who still does love me admitted that he no longer finds me as attractive as he once did and although we still have a good sex life I know he doesn't desire me the way he used to. So I really need to lose weight now. I must do this and am prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. I have membership to a great gym and also I have access to classes like spinning and body pump. I am vegetarian so I cannot do an atkins type diet. Eating meat, fish etc is the only thing I won't do everything else is fine.

Any advice on what to do to lose the maximum amount of weight and to reshape my body as much as possible over the next 18 weeks would be great.

Here are some imagaes of me so you know what I am dealing with (you will need to copy and paste the urls). Not pretty at all I know.

Flickr Photo Download: side

Flickr Photo Download: back

Flickr Photo Download: front

Any help would be great, my partner is currently out of the country for 2 weeks so If I could get some tips on a great jump start to lose a bunch of weight in 2 weeks that would be wonderful!

Thanks again and good to be here!

I use the Slimming World plan which works for me. I'm not a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat and the plan would be ideal for veggies. It can seem quite complicated but is fun to follow.

Whatever you decide on, I am certain you can do it! Good luck!
Thank you all for your replies. Cakeless I do see what you mean that I still have a vague sort of shape as I tend to carry loads of weight on my lower half, which they say is healthier but harder to shift. My tummy is huge though. Yes I know that I need to lose weight for myself but I do want to so much as I know being overweight has badly affected my self esteem and confidence to do things. It is also important to me that my partner still finds me attractive.

Thanks for the tip about Slimming world I will take a look, I'm awful at counting calories but needs must and I'm prepared to do anything now!
Hello and welcome.

The great thing about Slimming world is that there is very little 'calorie' counting. There are some things that need to be measured but there are lots of foods you can eat in unlimited amounts.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. And don't forget to do resistance as well as cardio at the gym. Might affect weight loss to start with but 5lbs of lean muscle takes up a lot less room than 5lbs of fat, so it will show up on your measurements.

Also I'm 5'4' and weighed 228lbs when I started dieting 2 weeks ago. And carry my weight very similar to yourself. Have a look at my stats.

Good luck, you seem like you've got the motivation to do well.


Toni. xXx
Hi and welcome to the forum, good luck on your weight loss journey. Look into slimming world, there isnt much calorie counting and lots of things you can enjoy freely without worrying even for vegetarians. Good luck again :)