Another month, here I come!


Full Member
Just been to the doctors and he is pleased with my progress and has prescribed me another month's worth so I am happy about that.

Although, I am fully aware I could have done a lot better this month and have loosened the belt. i have gained 3 pound this bank holiday and a 3 day hangover!

Its time to tighten it back up again and keep going! I am aiming for 10lb loss this month.

Current weight - 258lb

Good Luck with your 10lb loss this month. I just noticed our weights are very similar, both starting weight to current.

Maybe you and i could enter some friendly challenge each month ?
Well done thats great. When I was on it full time (on and off it at the mo with CD) my doctor was so supportive. I even had a month where I put on a kg and she just said no worries it happens sometimes. Good luck with the next month :)
Really pleased you have a supportive doc ( they seem hard to find sometimes lol:rolleyes:) Good luck for the coming month xxx
Hi Kaymarie

It's good to hear that you're feeling motivated again.

Did you suffer from any side effects after your "binge" on the chinese meal?

No, hardly any side effects at all, surprisingly! Which made me feel better because I can't have gone too OTT.

I did have spaghetti bolognese the other day though at someones house MY GOD, I paid for it the next day. Seriously.

I was just thinking anyway. 10lb probably will not be reached this month because I am goingon holiday for a week to Greece in two weeks and I am not taking my Zenichal with me, I won't binge but I won't be scrutinising every piece of food that goe sin my mouth either! LOL!