What a time I have had! Normally, if I get a virus attack on this laptop, a pop up tells me and my antivirus deals with it. I run a quick scan every day, and a full one once a week. Well last evening I ran a full scan and at the end this message came up 'Critical! Following virus detected... Trojan: Win32-Anomaly gen! A' all in red which always puts the wind up doesn't it? So I clicked the button to put it in quarantine. It got so far, stopped and couldn't quarantine it. I went into windows, uploaded a patch, upgraded my antivirus, ran it again, same thing. My friend's son is home on holiday he is a computer wizard, works for some computing firm. Tasi was sitting on the mat with milk first thing this morning. Within an hour, he had found the virus, got rid of it, and fitted me with a gizzmo that works better than my antivirus. He tried to explain Trojans and how they hid deep in the computer but he lost me around the 'Now this is really very simple' bit.