Hi all! Gem here!
Well ... Where to start?!
I have done slimming world before and lost a bit of weight but with a boyf who says the 'I love you no matter how you look' saying when I get in a 'weight grump' and a love of all things a bit naughty

I slowly wandered off track, regained the lost weight ... And then some
I have now identified my issues with food, my lack of portion control, my idea that if I have a sneaky bite here and a sneaky bite there and no-one knows it won't count, eating too late and snacking the odd chip etc. when dishing up my kids dinner! Reading it all back it's actually terrible!! :ashamed0005:
But, NO MORE! I have made my partner promise to never say the dreaded 'love you however' saying (even though its true!) and a promise of a nice surprise if I reach my goal as a constant incentive I feel very different this time round and I am going to kick some flabby butt! :kissass2:
So here's to all other newbies who are starting out, to everyone who are on track to target, to all the inspirational success stories I have loved reading today, and to all the people who have fallen off the wagon and are clambering back on ...
we CAN do it and we WILL do it
Any tips, advice, recipes, words of encouragement, general hello's, and good old kicks up the backside are superbly welcome and :fingerscrossed: I will also be a Slimming World success story
:girlpower: Love and thumbs up to you all! xxx