Cruise PP Antibiotics

400 gms BELOW my target!!!

Looking a little thin in the face but guess u can't have everything !!
Having to wear a track suit the whole time ??? as I can't manage to pull my jeans up on my own!!!.... Only another 5 weeks to go!! Grrrr!!
well done sunbeam lolat your weight loss not your state of dress xxx
Good morning

U are absolutely right about focusing on my weight not my clothes!!! But .... U can't see a weight loss in a track suit!!! Lol

I'm almost one kg under my target weight n celebrated this morning with an apple, my first piece of fruit since I started in October !! I'd almost forgotten what an Apple tasted like!!! It was wonderful !!!

Have a nice day n keep in touch!!! Xx
melon is my weekness :D
You sure it's not Gin sidd ;)
yeah gin with melon mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol xxx
Hi Scooter,
Thanks for that - I did have the advantage of having a fridge in my room!!
Now on a sort of Consolidation - am having 3 apples per week and that is my only addition - I'm scared to be honest to start eating bread etc - I'm all strapped up - even my hands have splints on them!!
Consequently, I spend my days reading n have a daily 10 minute walk without much activity!
I'm one kilo below my target, but still scared!!
Any advice for me would be welcome.....or from anybody else?