Any Men on LT

hey muffin i hope so!!!

to everyone else...i say stuff em! you may love them but give yourself the credit you deserve in making your own decisions.. I loathe the fact that people recognise your intelligence in making decisions for yourself unless its actually good for you. Then they pull out the big guns and make you feel about 2 inches tall.

People keep on about its not healthy to lose more than 3/4 lbs a week, its hardly healthy to be overweight .. they need to make up their minds about which way they are going to give us grief. Either moan at me for being overweight or moan at me for dieting!

I say they can moan all they want, it's you who has to live with your decisions

ooo soapbox moment.............. sorry hehe
Haha I so don't get the soapbox thing?

I do agree though, people are going to moan doing this yet they'll moan if your doing the likes of Weight Watchers they'll moan that you're letting it "interfere with your life" - I feel that's the entire point? I can't continue going out every weekend downing shots and vodka redbulls, topping it off with a greasy kebab!
What do they want from us?
Answer: I couldn't give a rats!

Oh dont mention KEBAB, I am having a little hunger pang, another litre of water should cover that. Anyway agree with all you have said, cant win!! Feel a little bad for lying to mum, telling her that I am out running, jogging on the lat thigh trainer and cycling? Maybe one of those next week.
Don't feel bad, you will be doing it soon enough! I'm going to start swimming and going walking next week. I'm not a runner, I'd prob give myself a black eye!!! Mmmm kebab, stoppit stoppit..... WATER!!!!
Hi everyone.

It was my doctor who sent me for lipotrim as a way to lose weight. My blood pressure was 185/107 so I had to do something about it and did not want to go on tablets unless as a last resort.

I thought it was hereditary and losing the weight would not make any difference but I measured it this morning and it was 121/81.:):)

It seems with me that if my weight is less than about 14.5 stone then my blood pressure is normal. If I weigh more than that then it starts rising, even though I can feel no difference myself.

No-one can tell me that it would have been better for my health not going on lipotrim as there is no way I could have lost the same amount any other way - My willpower is great if I can see the end in sight, but if it is years in the future then I will always say I will start tomorrow.

Everyone is different and if we all end up getting thinner and fitter who can say what is wrong or right.

I believe that Hope hospital uses lipotrim for patients who are too overweight for surgery in order to get them to a weight where it is safe to operate on them. Are they all wrong as well?

Now THAT was a soapbox rant.

So :p to all of 'em.

I agree Gray. At the end of the day Lipotrim was designed for obese people at Hope Hospital who had to have surgery, but were clinically obese and could not go under anesthetic. The health benefits of losing weight are huge.....your blood pressure is the perfect example.