Any new starters 2018???

Hi Jay, yes let us know am sure you will get a good result!
Ona first few days are tough, you should feel a lot more energetic in a coupla days, keep going it's really worth it.
I am doing ok, started turning my choc mint shake into a muffin and tomato and basil soup into crisps they taste like pizza if you close your eyes lol.
Onwards and downwards ☺
Hi Sun good to know your experimenting and keep going.
Hi All 2nd weigh in and lost -3.5Ilbs and 3.5 inches. In total 9.5Ilbs and 10 inches altogether in 2 weeks so pleased.
Weight 14.2Ilbs and hoping to be in the 13’s next week. From tomorrow I am on strict sole source at 450 calories, it’s going to be tough but I am going to do it to see how much I lose.
Come on all we can do this and not get off track over the weekend x
Jay that's amazing, go girl.
Hi everyone,
Hope everyone is happy & managing to stay on course over the bank holiday.
I weighed in yesterday, I only lost a pound which serves me right because I had been nibbling bits of ham & Pitts breads etc throughout the week. I really struggled with nibbles & my will has dwindled. Had a good chat with my consultant & she said wrk 4 is always quite hard for most her slimmers but that I need to space my products out a bit better through the day & Im hopefully going to nip the nibbles in the bud & keep going. Overall I've lost 16 pound in 4 weeks & a total of 14 inches so not alls bad. 5 more stone to go!! Bloody hell 😂
How's everyone else getting on?
I like reading how everyone's doing
Have a good week xxx
Hi jimmy, you are doing so well, that's a good inch and weight loss, don't get disheartened about nibbling, you spoke to your counsellor to address it and didn't give up, so pat your self on your back.
I gave up 2 packs yesterday and had a chicken and veg dinner with my family, no regrets at all, and back to focus today. Good luck,
Thanks Sun!
Not been on here all week, had a poorly baby so just catching up with everyone's progress & thoughts. Its nice to see everyone keeping each other motivated.
Hi Jimmy hope your little chaps feeling better. Don't beat yourself up for cheating as you still had a result. Losing just over a stone is good keep going. I have also 5 stone to lose by the end of September and am determined to reach my goal so lets do it together. I am on sole source 450 calories a day this week so lets see what my weigh in is on Friday. Have been on it 100% and drinking lots of water is the key feeling OK and have not been tempted to eat.
Good Luck Sun with your weigh in, let me know how you get on.
How's everyone getting on, it is a challenge but if we keep each other motivated and share our results this will keep us going. The end result is what we are all waiting for and only the effort and work we put in can do this. Lets look good for Summer to get into those clothes we look good in.xx
Hi Jay,
Thank you & well done for staying so focused, you sound like you are doing well. Am going to take your advice & drink more water. Though I am drinking water, im not drinking enough so am going to try stepping that up a bit more. I drank loads in my 1st 2 weeks. I seem to in a better mind space & back on track yesterday & today so fingers crossed.
Hope your weigh in goes well, look forward to seeing how you've done.
Good luck everyone 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Just 450Kcals a day is hard core. I thought 603 for weeks on end was low enough! Good on you, and the very best of luck.
Hi Full, you have done so well and not much left to lose. Well done you keep going. Yea 450 is hard and not much in the packet but I think its all in the mind and keep telling myself I can do this and want to reach my goal to look amazing.
I'm all about the health benefits to be honest. Fewer grunts and groans getting off the sofa, less chance of diabetes, more able to exercise, that sort of thing. Looking amazing was never going to be a likely outcome, but I've come to realise that living longer very probably is. Which is pretty cool. All the best with it.
I definitely agree fullfathom. I became worried about becoming diabetic after my friend who was over weight was diagnosed with type 2. She has been on CWP for 18months & lost 12 stone. She also completely reversed her diabetes & is now a much healthier, happier version of herself. She's my inspiration.
My health felt like it was sliding & each time I visited the drs I got tired of him saying that it'd make a difference if I lost weight.
After a few weeks, I definitely feel a little more spritely & like it's making a difference to my health.
I also would like to stop wearing black, baggy tops & jeans 😂😊
Hi Jay, jimmy &full,
Today is supposed to be my weigh in, but my consultants are away for the top 50 consultant holiday reward. I have weighed myself and it looks like I've lost 5lbs, which is brilliant but that's first thing in morning after a big pee haha!
Although am coping with 4 packs, I can't go lower as hardcore medication I take for rheumatoid arthritis, and there are days I feel hungry despite drinking 4 litres of water a day.
Hubby works away during week so I find am more able to cope rather than weekends I cook for him and watch him drink wine 😐, I need to see good results to keep me motivated. It was so quick and effortless 15 yrs ago when I did it, 3st in 8 weeks, week 3 and I've only lost 12lbs. Well done for your determination and results, it's keeping me going.
Hi Sun 5Ilbs is a result, well done keep going you will get to goal in no time soon. I also have to cook for my husband and see him eating treats, takeaways and alcohol. My kids ordered pizza this weekend but have to stay strong as eating everything got me to this weight so have to do this for myself because we all know if we stick to it we will get to our goal.. Lets have a good week all.
Good morning all check out the 1Ilb fat which should motivate us. How we all getting on?