Any serious readers here?

Too busy learning Japanese, anyway. こんにちは!


Me too! Although im not very good at the kanji yet (only very basic - and i usually get that wrong too!)
I taught myself before going to lessons for a while =)

Konnichiwa! O-genki desu ka?
Japanese isn't at all hard. There's a myth (largely circulated by the Japanese themselves, who like to believe their language is terribly complex) that it is, but it's actually a very structured, logical language with very clear rules. I'd go so far as to say that English is the more difficult of the two, as English derives from three core linguistic roots, whereas Japanese only has two - Japanese itself, and japanised pronunciations of the Chinese words which accompanied the Kanji.

The trouble starts as it does within all languages - there are cultural shorthands which only a native knows by instinct, and which foreigners must learn.

English has countless shorthands which would make zero sense to a foreigner with little experience of English culture. E.g.: "Being at sixes and sevens" (which evolved from a couple of livery companies in the 1700's being unable to agree on whether they were 6th or 7th on the top-12 list).

Japanese too has these shortands. E.g.: "Horn-cover" for a bride's headdress (from the suggestion that a woman hides her devil's horns until after the wedding, by which time it's too late).

Basically if you want to learn any language, don't let anyone fool you into thinking it's especially harder than any other language. They're all a bugger :D