Welcome Fiona! How's it going so far? Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins.com mobile app
lots of calorie burning by spending the whole day cleaning today!! haha.
Must share my favourite treat though...
Buy Weight Watchers Belgian Chocolate Slices (5) online in Tesco at mySupermarket*
Weightwatchers chocolate slices - aka brownies at 78 cals! They come individually packaged so you can tear them apart and put one in your bag. They are delicious and reduced to 59p a pack in Morrisons at the moment! Perfect for a chocolate craving!
Hi Andrea I've similar to lose now after I also had a regain and just messed around most of last year,Hello! Will be starting tomorrow and will need all the help and encouragement I can get! Am absolutely terrible at sticking to any kind of diet - it's as if I'm scared of being slim! I know this works as I lost 2st on it last year. Back a stone heavier and with 5st to lose I really need a kick up the ****! Anyway. Hope everyone is well Andrea x