Anyone believe in the 'fat gene'

I defo think genes come into it. My hubby and his family are all naturally skinny. They do not gain weight no matter what crap they put into their bodies. Me and my family...we only need to look at a cake and we gain weight. I personally cannot lose weight doing WW....that would be a maintainance diet for me. I think Barbs post says it all. If you have twins like that and one can eat loads and not gain, yet the other has to be careful just to maintain, then genes are obviously involved.
I not sure I agree. I come from a fat family...although mum was 6 stone when married and only 5" Dad was 6"2 and 16st. My Sister has inherited my mothers height and 4st more than my fathers weight and I am totally terrified of ending up like her. I love her to bits but at 40 she has done nothing to combat the weight problem, whereas I was a fatty all the way through school, up until 21 when I joined SW and lost 4 stone. Im 5"11 and weighed 9 and half and managed to keep it off until last baby, 18 mth ago (Im now 34) I have a problem with this as I struggle every day with my weight and my attitude is, it is easier to lose 2 stone than 10 so I do something about it! This is because I am basically a greedy piggy and do have my families genes, but work hard not to get too big. My sister never looks happy, is always out of breath and feeling unwell and it just seem she has excepted her lot in life as having ""the fat gene". I believe it is the person...I know I will always have a problem with food and Im the only one who can deal with it!:sigh:
Hi Chunkychops....I agree that someone who has the 'fat gene' can control their weight, with hard work and effort, but some people are blessed with the 'thin gene' shall we say (don't ya just hate em!!!).
Oh yes..I suppose some of the mums at school look so tiny they should be wearing the uniforms!!!!!....if only life were that simple...lucky boogers!!!!!!!!lol
I went to a herbalist once and she said that if you were breastfed alot of your mothers "traits or intolerances" can be passed. I often wonder about this because my mum would struggle with her weight alot and i was breast fed... whereas my sister who wasn't breastfed has the "skinny jean" and never has to worry about her weight.:confused: