Anyone else suffering under the regime of a money-driven Slimming World Consultant?

Just because the replies aren't in complete agreement with the OP doesn't mean she shouldn't post.

It may be a support forum but we don't have to agree with what is posted.
No you don't have to agree but there are better ways to go about saying that. I certainly wouldn't want to come back and post to be jumped on, sure others would feel the same.
If you mean me my words were actually unhelpful. I just pointed out that perhaps the op was looking for support from this support forum rather than what she got. No mention of everybody agreeing with her it's just the way things have been written.
If you mean me my words were actually unhelpful. I just pointed out that perhaps the op was looking for support from this support forum rather than what she got. No mention of everybody agreeing with her it's just the way things have been written.
perhaps or perhaps they were just causing trouble?
Am wondering what you think should have been said to support the op as your posts in the thread seem to disagree with others posts but not actually address the op.
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Well said! Thats something a lot of people forget. Its amazing the number of posts ive seen on the site accusing people of being unsupportive when actually they just have a different opinion. Support doesnt necessarily mean agreeing

Completely agree ( no pun intended) :)
Hmmm OP registers posts a very anti SW thread badmouthing a SW counsultant and then doesnt post or log on again.....

Shame she hasnt come back to read the advice/comments given

Yes, I thought exactly this - especially given it was her first post!
Sticking my oar in again, sorry

I think the OP is feeling very angry at the consultant because s/he thought that they had a 'special' relationship and now that things have changed between them the consultant has cooled their friendship. The OP is obviously in a bad place emotionally at the moment too, because s/he feels 'out of control' with their weight and diet, and I am sure most of us here can totally relate to that feeling.

Both parties are feeling aggrieved, hurt and angry with each other, but for different reasons. The OP obviously enjoys going to the group and feels that they want to go on attending, but at the same time does not have their head in the right place to be losing weight. The consultant feels that the OP is taking advantage of the group to avoid paying the fees whilst s/he is not able to lose the weight. This may or may not be the case, however, what is obvious is that here is a SW member who has lost their way and really needs help and support. SW is a business and consultants are human, but at the end of the day here is a person who has been doing really well and has now gone off the rails and is in a bad place.

In my opinion, the 'rights and wrongs' of who is at fault really ought to take a back seat whilst this member tries to get back on track. Whilst I can understand that the consultant may not be very happy with the OP on a personal basis, they are the 'professional' in this situation and instead of acting in a cool way towards a former 'friend' they should now be talking to each other and formulating a way forward for the OP.

Unfortunately it is more difficult for any of us, members or consultants, to think clearly and rationally when we are feeling angry, hurt and upset. I hope that the OP and the consultant do manage to overcome their feelings of alienation and manage to sit down and discuss the way forward in a calm and professional manner. Whatever solution they arrive at should be mutual. If they cannot do this together then the OP probably ought to cut his/her losses, move to a different group and start again as a new member with a completely clean slate.

Just my personal opinion :)
I do think it was a genuine post, she sounds very upset. She may not have come back because she has cooled down a bit now and maybe regrets posting. I don't know, but I can't imagine a reason for posting if it were not genuine. It hurts to lose your way and get out of control weight-wise after doing so well.
I think it probably all happened - it'd be a very detailed scam! - but I think the motivation behind it ie to be rude about the consultant while slating SW for being profit driven, is unfair.

I think support can be offered to this poster, if she engages with the fact that not everyone is going to agree with her, and responses might say so in a frank way given how 'direct' her first post was.

However, much of this seems to be academic. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks as though the poster registered solely with a view to venting off about her consultant and SW and having all of this said in a public place.
Just to add that there are absolutely no sales tactics, products like hi-fi bars, the SW mag and recipe books are purely there for members to purchase if they feel they need the products to support them. The commission to consultants is intentionally very very low (10p for a box of bars) so there is no incentive for them to actively encourage sales other than to promote them to support members and help their weight loss which is what is in the heart of every good consultant.
As someone who has been in both SW and WW, I agree that the marketing of the bars, books etc in SW is much less than in WW, which to me is much more profit driven.