My tiredness has improved greatly on this diet, so I can only assume carbs and mostly wheat (since I am eating oat bran) are causing me some problems.
On the thyroxine front, my GP kept telling me my levels were fine, no need for any change etc etc. Then the endo did the same thing. It was only after I got a full set of my records and started researching it did I find that for a GP to say you are fine means your blood TSH is in the range. What is normal or normal for you is a totally different thing. If you know your TSH number and range post it if you like. I have access to a document that can explain most of this. Mine were considered fine on 4.65 on a range of 0.5-5. Now I am 0.1 and my now endo (human being) says that is totally fine because I am so well now.
Sorry, but it is now such a passion with me as most thyroid patients seem to be undermedicated and not living their lives to their full potential because of it.