I'm feeling like a weight has lifted today...my dad had his operation this morning, and it went well and they had no problems waking him up. He's had supper and even been speaking to my mum on the phone!!!
The surgeon had been to see him to say they'd been able to remove all the tumour, so we just need to wait now to see what the results of the biopsy are as to whether it's malignant or benign. Even though we're still not sure about anything I feel so much better...I actually feel like I can breathe for the first time in weeks xx
Evening all! Yet another update on the situation with my dad...they've transferred him to a normal ward today rather than the high care ward and they're talking about sending him home either on Friday or Saturday! I can't believe how well he's doing. They're talking about blasting his brain with some radiotherapy, and possibly these nodules in his lungs, but other than that it's been a really good result! Xx
Only just seen this thread. I'm so sorry you and your family have had so much worry but glad things are looking brighter. It'll be so lovely for your Dad to be back home and, hopefully, he'll continue to feel better.