Yes, did you call for me Ali?? lol For the dog breed - irish setter.. :)
H Huskytusky Member 13 November 2009 #2,741 Yes, did you call for me Ali?? lol For the dog breed - irish setter..
Alibongo Happily pro pointing! 15 November 2009 #2,747 Old English Sheep Dog - oh lovely, we had one of these when I was a kid.
MinnieMel Why Be Normal? 15 November 2009 #2,748 poodle (my grandfather had these -- smart dogs and they don't shed)
MinnieMel Why Be Normal? 21 November 2009 #2,757 Zweedse Lappenhond (Swedish Lapphund) It is in a foreign language, but it works! (Dutch, I think) So, what now??? Things related to Christmas? Angels
Zweedse Lappenhond (Swedish Lapphund) It is in a foreign language, but it works! (Dutch, I think) So, what now??? Things related to Christmas? Angels
MinnieMel Why Be Normal? 21 November 2009 #2,758 Christmas Cards (I need to get going on those, sigh!)
MinnieMel Why Be Normal? 21 November 2009 #2,759 Elves (I need them to come and help me do my cards!)