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Quick potted history. Lost three stone on SW about 10 years ago quite easily but was mobile then.
Fast forward to last year I was approaching 20 stone, I’m bedbound and likely to be here for the foreseeable and no health professional seemed bothered
Started eating a Keto diet and have lost 32lb last year but before Christmas the losses stopped and I have stayed the same weight since then
People can only surmise the ‘extra’ weight tha went on due to illness was inflammation which has now gone . Or something. I don’t even understand 
Considering trying Slimming World although I didn’t have any losses last year in it, as apparently there’s some sort of insulin resistance you can have which is an imbalance... again I’m not entirely sure I even half understand that but ‘they’ say that more carbs might be in order
So... has anyone gone from Keto to SW and not put all the weight back on? I’m really really scared that I will
although looking at RED/Original which I never tried before years back it seems a lot like Keto only you can eat sugar and more carbs. Just less of the butter and cream 
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I’ve read it over and over and I think it does... but my illness means that I can’t process words very well sometimes so this may well be entirely gobbledygook
Ty for reading

Quick potted history. Lost three stone on SW about 10 years ago quite easily but was mobile then.
Fast forward to last year I was approaching 20 stone, I’m bedbound and likely to be here for the foreseeable and no health professional seemed bothered

Started eating a Keto diet and have lost 32lb last year but before Christmas the losses stopped and I have stayed the same weight since then

Considering trying Slimming World although I didn’t have any losses last year in it, as apparently there’s some sort of insulin resistance you can have which is an imbalance... again I’m not entirely sure I even half understand that but ‘they’ say that more carbs might be in order
So... has anyone gone from Keto to SW and not put all the weight back on? I’m really really scared that I will

Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I’ve read it over and over and I think it does... but my illness means that I can’t process words very well sometimes so this may well be entirely gobbledygook

Ty for reading