HI, I'm 24, was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 11, I've always lost 2 or 3 lbs & doing nothing different the following week put 5 or 6 back on. I never ate rubbish, I would snack constantly on cucumber & carrots, didn't use much oil or if I did was only a teaspoon (measured out) yet I was always the 'fat' one. When I started working after a year of walking 4 miles daily, eating at regular times I lost 2 stone, I walked out of work as my mum needed me & I'm her full time carer (was working as home care too). I started gaining weight & put what I lost plus an extra stone on. It wouldn't shift no matter what I did, back in May the love of my life & I broke up, 2 days later I found out not only was I pregnant but had lost the baby (5th pregnancy I've lost). I was beginning to give up plus I'd been weighed while at hospital & was 20 stone 2 lbs, which meant in a year I'd put an extra 3 & half stone on!!!
Anyways my friend & I started SW 6 weeks ago, & I'm now 1.5lbs off a stone & have had SOTW twice!!
I was following SW 110% but last couple of weeks I've slightly gone over my weekly syns (by 20-30) & I've come out with better weight losses. So I don't know.
I've cut out bread completely & load up on speed fruit & veg where a meal asks for 1 onion I'll put 2 maybe even 3 in etc.
I was reading how men get an extra so many syns but also a woman over a certain weight gets slightly more.
Im not sure if I fit into this but the weeks I've eaten slightly over I've had better losses.
Then again before I joined SW (when I was still with my boyfriend) I'd not eat for 3 or 4 days (some days not even drink) then have dominos, takeaway or shed loads of bread for a day or 2 then go again not eating I'd occasionally have proper meals but it was more convenience food due to us driving from mine to his (110 miles away) every weekend so would stop off at the services or order in when we got back. So I think maybe for me I need that extra 5 syns a day??
I can honestly say though SW has been amazing!!! It's been extremely difficult but when I was awarded my half a stone certificate I knew I could do it & if I can do it ANYONE can!!
I've started walking more & cut out my cola for water. Stopped eating bread & have salads instead. Also I've done alot of the converting, so from full fat mayo to lighter than light, can now eat strawberries without tablespoons of sugar
I think everyone is different, just give it 100% & try to have someone a friend a family member who can support you along the way, if you're on Facebook there are loads of groups, also this site seems really frendily too

I started with my friend & was jealous that she got her half stone cert 2 weeks in but now as she's been busy, had stuff personally going on & not following it she's gained 2.5lbs in a week, we sat down & spoke & she's back on plan as I was there to support her (once she opened up) like she did for me 6 weeks ago with everything I had going on.
Good luck on your journey, if you believe in yourself you can do it .
Oh also a big help for me is bulk cooking meals & writing down on a Sunday night what meals to have during the week.
My SW consultant said best thing to do is plan.
Sorry I've babbled on, just I've never come accross anyone else who also sufferes with PCOS, felt like the only one :/ x