Anyone heard from Yasmine???

Thank you so much everyone. This really means a lot to me.

One other problem was that I was finding the meals were getting boring. I was always having the same thing. I guess it's also a fear of using something different. Usually when I add things I get naughty.
Yas everyone gets bored if we eat the same things every day, the key is variety, but keeping it healthy hun.
I guess that's true. Are tinned sweetcorn unhealthy? I love the stuff but it gives me these bad vibes.
No it's fine. Too much of ANYTHING isn't good for you - moderation is the key. Easy to say - not always so easy to do I know! :) xx
Hehe you're telling me LMAO.

God, can't wait to eat again, being on LT is hell now. Now I see why it's harder on the second time round. In my case this is the third time lol.
Oh dear ... well hopefully the last! xx