Anyone heard of or tried TRX taining?


Full Member
Hi folks,
Just wondering if anyone has tried this? It's resistance training against your own body weight using rather large elastic band type things attached to a ceiling or wall!! Apparently it gives great results for toning. Have googled it and it looks tough and also ancient torture chamber springs to mind lol. 6 weeks ago I started training for 10k race. Previous to this I had done absolutely no exercise. Finding it mostly ok except for last night.
My local gym is starting the TRX training in a couple of weeks and I'd love to try it to tone up bingo wings and in fact all other areas of moi. My only fear is that I'll be too stiff/sore/exhausted after it to do my jogging!! Visited the gym the other day and asked Mr. Muscle trainer type guy and he said "well you will feel sore initially but it will only enhance your jogging"..Hmmm, me wonders. So, just thought I'd pose the question to my lovely Dukan followers to see what your views are on the subject...Many thanks in advance and happy Friday to y'all :)
It's weight training and will indeed inhance your jogging after a while. You'll only be doing it once or twice a week anyway won't you? Just try not to jog / train on the same day so your muscles recover fully
I'd say go for it - resistance training will help your jogging no end, plus being toned is a happy side effect!
I've done a little bit of it and it was fine. I found the exercises I was asked to do rather easy but then again I didn't tell my trainer she was going easy on me (when I did do that she got me back lol. pushed me til I was "ill", although part of that was my own stubborness.) I would reccommend CrossFit if you have one near by. That's lots of explosive weight training with cardio thrown in too. Try do it with a friend. They'll motivate you and if you're competitive it's awesome :)

In terms of worrying about pain during exercise Mr. Muscle was dead right. What I initially started off doing last August hurt me then but now I could do it in my sleep. Eg: Start weight for a dead-lift in August: 30-40lbs -----> Current: 115lbs comfortably/135lbs uncomfortably. And I'm not bulky, I have lean muscle rather than body builder style muscle lol. I have a pic somewhere in my diary on me 2-3 weeks ago.

I would whole heartedly reccommend any sort of weight training. It will tone you up and can only enhance the end results of your diet :)
Thank you all sooo much for your advice. Think I'll give it a bash. Well I'll do one class and see if I'm able to move after it!! Thanks again for taking the time to reply xx