Confessions of a lazy egg

I am so excited because my friend is coming to visit me in Jamuary and in February we are going to Japan! I don't think I'll be at my goal by then (though I still don't know what my goal weight is) but I would love it if I can get a fair chunk of weight off and feel more confident and happy to pose in photos etc. If I lose 1kg every week until my friend arrives I'll be 13kg down which would be amazing. If I lose 1.5 a week (for me I don't think this is realistic) I would lose 19.5kg and then I think I would be pretty close to where I went to be. I don't want to be slim or thin or wear size 8 clothes, I just want to be happy with what I see in the mirror - my body shape is naturally small at the waist and big boobs/thighs so I don't think being a little heavier than maybe I originally wanted to be (10 stones) is necessarily gonna look bad.

Not sure why I'm writing this, guess I just want to put it down in writing to get that motivation out there whilst I'm thinking about it.

Going for a jog later, first one in a week or so - might try and do 5k I will see how tired I feel once I finish my couch to 5k as I have to go do some work first too.
I'm good thanks. Just did my jog and only ended up doing the time on my app (28 minutes) as it was pretty late and I need to be up early tomorrow. Went 3.25km and my pace was slightly quicker than previously so that was good.

Washed all my gym stuff tonight so think I will end up jogging tomorrow night as well because everything will still be wet in the morning and I don't have time to go home to get my stuff before I go to the gym when I'm working late .

Hope you are well cynicalgirl xx
Oh and my salt and vinegar Pringles are sat on my shelf, not massively tempting me at the moment even! I do like the salt and vinegar ones but I guess maybe I have to be in the mood for them. Have had a couple of moments during the day where I've thought about scoffing them but I haven't been home haha.
I'm so annoyed with myself about last night!! Didn't end up exercising as I'd decided to run after checking the weather and then it rained all bloody day and night!! However one day not exercising isn't a big deal, I'm allowed a break.

What REALLY annoyed me is how annoyed and bad I started feeling. Have got my period again (second time this month??) which I really don't think helped, but I just was so annoyed last night. I ate the whole tube of s+v Pringles last night and THIS is what has really made me annoyed with myself today. I wasn't hungry, wasn't even craving them - it was just another example of me being a complete emotional eater. I don't diet and I eat they I want but scoffing a tube of Pringles completely mindlessly is just not on. Guess it gives me a bit of a wake up call though as I have been so good with it exercise and losing weight recently, and I DO feel so much better. But clearly I need to bear in mind that I am still me, I still have the same issues with my eating and I need to be careful about that.

I also ate a donut yesterday! Which again was me snacking and picking when I wasn't hungry! I did do well au not smacking for the longest time, need to get back on it today. Scales shoe me up 1kg today, not surprised or worried though as firstly my body seems a little screwed up this week and I need to give it time to settle down, and secondly because I've lost 3kg in two weeks which seems a little high to me, so if I sts or gain say .5kg it just would feel like everything was being evened out.

Will try to be really good with my snacking the rest of this week though, and will be really good with my exercise for sure, so hopefully will manage a sts or small loss by Monday.
So I have stayed off my diary a couple of days just because I have been feeling a little negative, but it's almost a new week so time to put that behind me and refocus I think,

Still is looking like I will be a kg up on Monday, it annoys me because to me it isn't logical - I just follow the rule that if you create a calorie deficit you will lose weight, and if you consume too many calories you will gain weight, and I am 100% sure I haven't eaten too many calories this week, especially combined with my exercise no way have I consumed enough to cause a weight gain. But I guess out bodies Re weird and moan over now, hopefully next week will bring a loss.

Have been normal with my food since posting and good with my exercise. Tonight I went to KTV which is a karaoke place. It is a lot of fun and very extravagant! I usually go with Chinese people and I'd say 9 times out of 10 they get me to sing the Westlife song My Love, which always makes me chuckle. Forget One Direction it's all about Westlife here - I always hear their music in malls and shops! Chinese people always ask me if I like Westlife too, was never a fan particularly but I feel like they've been broken up about ten years now or a good while anyway!

So had fun tonight, sang the Westlife song for everyone - My Love seems to be the most popular song. Off to bed now as I have work tomorrow, have attached some photos of the KTV room we were in so you can see how cool it looks!


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That looks crazy fun. I am so envious of your life... I've always dated chinese guys so I'd be in heaven over there!x

It's really fun! Last night was quite relaxed but often they have a tonne of food and alcohol there as well, it's really great. Haha I go on and off Chinese guys - on the one hand I do think they treat you a lot better than I'm used to with Western guys. But I've dated a lot of Chinese guys now and I'm a little sick of them - they are so excited to date a foreigner yet at the same time they expect me to be like a Chinese girl. There are a lot of cultural differences to overcome especially when you start dating more seriously.

That looks so cool! What an amazing place. It looks like a tv set.

I'm sorry you've been feeling so negative about your weight loss. Do you track your calories or anything or just try and eat healthy? You might be surprised though. Fingers crossed. Every day is a new day and a new start so keep going! You can do it! x

Not even eating healthily, just sensible portions and no snacking really. I don't track calories - I want this to stick for life and I know I'm not going to track stuff for the rest of my life, but I do still have awareness of what I'm putting in my body if you get me??

Anyway all my negative energy is gone and I don't care what I weigh in the morning because I finally ran 5km tonight!! So tonight I'm just feeling super proud and relishing in my achievement haha. I know if I carry on like I am the weight will come off - it might be slow but slow is okay. :)

Oh also I was in a bakery by my subway stop and look at the sandwiches they had!! I imagine it's bread instead of cake, I always notice the strawberry ones and think how odd they look! Not noticed the mango ones before but thi they're even odder! Sorry about the bad photo quality I was trying to take photos quickly! I had a chicken and pumpkin wrap from the same place for lunch and it was super yummy!


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Thanks I'm so proud that I finally did it! Managed to actually maintain yesterday rather than again somehow?? Weight is a kg up today again though:( I just don't get it. Decided I will try my hardest (and it is SUPER hard for me) to not weigh for as long as possible (doubt I'll reach next Monday but even a couple of days would be pretty good for me).
Hey all! I'm okay, had a break off posting here because I've been super busy and also feeling so negative because the scales were just showing a gain I didn't think was justified. Anyway I took a couple of days of weighing myself and also going to the gym (just because I was too busy really). Also one night I weighed myself and I was about 3kg heavier and then I ate a whole tube of pringles.

Anyway after that was when I was really like 'let's try not to weigh for a while' - usually the constant weighing doesn't cause me a problem but clearly when I'm not seeing what I like it does! Just weighed this morning (after 2-3 days no weighing - which is fabulous for me) and my weight is back down where I'd expect it to be - so guess I can stop stropping and get on with it!

Good luck cynical girl, I'm sure you'll smash it!
hey :D I am still around, still working out - though I have been a bit lax the last week and a half as I'm sick at the moment. sorry for not writing for so long - to be honest I find it a little hard to post on my diary as I just find I have absolutely nothing to say!! I am very boring and don't have anything to tell you guys, also i am home from work after 9 most days and just can't be bothered!! I like this site very much and have still been reading regularly even though I'm not posting - it's just hard to know what to write. Anyway I got a new laptop this week and I kept meaning to come and write here so I made myself promise to do it when i had my new computer - typing posts on a phone is a little annoying haha.

I think the weighing ban is a good idea, especially if it's starting to impact on your mood. I think I'm going to try to ban myself for a while too. I'm exactly like you, if I see a gain I think 'sod it' and go for the food. Food/drink is an excuse for happy times/sad times/stressed times. I'm such an awful emotional eater and I don't want to live like this forever, or be counting calories for everything on MFP forever.

I'm really looking forward to the next time I'm asked out for a meal, not having to look up the menu online and if there's no low calories, either suggesting a change of venue or beating myself up about what to have before the meal. I'm going to wait, look at the menu when I get there, and just trust myself to not over do it.

We can do this!

Hey, I also wanted to ask you. How difficult is it to move over there from the UK and what is it that you do again? I've always wanted to take the plunge, and one of my best friends is trying to get me to move over to New Zealand now I'm job seeking again. But I'd love to move to China/HK or Japan x

how have you been getting on?

In answer to the China questions (sorry it took me so long to reply) - I'm a homeroom/English teacher for kindergarten aged kids in an international school. First thing I can tell you is that if you want to teach you will have no problem finding a job (I don't know your race but the Chinese at least can be a little racist towards non whites and it is harder, but still pretty easy to find a job if you're not white - but people will reject you because of your skin colour). I'm afraid I don't know much about the other jobs you can do out here and how to go about getting them - the visa laws are changing next year as well. I actually (shhh) don't have my work visa yet because of laziness on my part but any decent company out here won't hire you in the first place unless they are sure they can get you the working visa - the company would do all of that so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If there's anything specific you want to know (about China anyway) let me know and I'll try and help- wasn't sure exactly how to answer you so sorry if the above isn't too helpful!!

Been lurking a bit :) and saw this today
You must be having an amazing time, I know I did in Japan :) xx

Haha, I feel like I am working too much to have any fun if I'm honest! Hoping to lighten the load after the Spring Festival and maybe quit my full time position.

Hope you're ok. X

You are so sweet, I am going to check your diary now xx