Hello Befanwi,
How similar are we??? I am 5ft 5 (and a 1/2- I never forget the half lol) and I have been on SW more times than I have had hot dinners iykwim.
My goal is to be my wedding weight of 9st 7lbs. I reached that and a little bit more after having my son - it took about 2 years to achieve (2004) and I was a size 10/12. At the time my DH promised me a new wardrobe if I achieved it - so I did.
Following major surgery in 2006 and then becoming pregnant my weight piled on. All I know is that about 2 mths before I was due I refused to step on a scales as I gad reached in excess of 18stone. Since having my daughter in 2007 , a lot of the weight just came off. Then at around 13 stone I struggled. And again in the 12s. O even resorted to slimfast which brought me to the low 11s but I put the weight back on and went into the mid 12s again.
But - now I am here and I intend to continue.
BMI- well, yes I have felt overweight and still do tbh. But it indicates to me whether my health could suffer because of my weight - and I don't want that!
What day is your weigh in?
Def keep in touch on here
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