Weighed at 10st exactly this week which got me to target! I'd like to get to 9st 13lbs at some point to get my 7st award but other than that I'm finished dropping down xthanksforall your support x
I weighed in at 10.4 this morning so aiming for the 9s by the time I take my boyfriend to Rome on 25 January - fingers crossed!!
Im sure you'll do it no problemyou must be so excited to go to rome!
Hows everyone getting on this week?? Its my first week and iv been 100%
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Hi Carly! Congrats on your baby boy, bet he's a cutie!
How are you finding this week?
I started last Friday but have weighed in this morning as I want to go Monday to Monday as hopefully that will stop me splurging over the weekends!
Have a great Tuesday!