Currently I weigh 10 stone 4, but about 2 months ago I got down to 9 stone 13 - though I've continued to diet my weight has crept up, possibly because I haven't been able to exercise as hard due to injuries... can't seem to break this barrier without practically starving myself and it always goes back on, anyone had any luck and how did you manage it?
Oh it really will, I can't wait to get to the next milestone, just need to stop getting distracted!! x
down another lb today..takes me to 10st2.75lb! Im feeling stuffed too, its hard to believe you can eat so much.. just got to take it day by day but i can't wait until i have done a full week and see how much i lost! (positive thinking) i can't imagine that it will keep going this fast tho..2.5lbs lost since sunday, amazing...
Well done.. Nearly there x
weighed this morning and was 10st1.25lbs.. come in number 10 your time is up!!
this is the first week back on SW so I know the weeks that follow will be less drastic, it would be amazing to keep losing a lb a day tho, would only take me 2 weeks to get to my target lol! my sticking point is usually 9st13 (only been there twice in 3 years and never lower)..
Thats so like me, I always stuck at 10st2lb, cracked that this timebut for me im wavering round 9.5 /9.1025. Driving me potty as 9.8 will be my 2st loss target that id had mind/heart set on for this Sunday