Superfree Princess
Silver Member
A maintain this week for me, ok about it as ive been a little off plan at the weekend.
Heyy may I join currently 10 stone target is 9 so hard to shift this last stone!!
Hi Bakingbanana I've really struggled between 10.1 and 9.13 just can't get below it. so frustrating isn't it
I had this too for ages but between 10.3 and 10.1 so I had one week where I exercised 4 times did 100% slimming world/clean week with no refined carbs and got down to 9.12 - now it's pushing past that barrier! xxxx
Hey the Humphreys and jessyg24 it is that 9.12\13 barrier I know once I get past it I'll be able to maintain but its just like my body wants these last lumps and bumps! Im going to try downsizing my syns next week from 10 to 5 for a while and see if that helps! Here's hoping next week were all down to/still in the 9`s!