Silver Member
Oh how I'd love a 3lb loss- what's your secret?
I've pitched my tent, I best make it cosy because I recon I'll be here till gone Xmas lol.
Malibu xx
I've put mine up next to you - that last few lbs seem to be the hardest - was hoping to be in the 9's for my holiday next month as I plan to put on about 5lbs :8855: then can start again seriously in jan.
hi Malibustacy whats the 777 thing. Have already been on superspeed - normally would go out jogging in the evenings but last week didnt get home until really late due to heavy traffic and road accidents ( I commute into london by coach every day - which is usually 10times better than the trains in kent - the down side is when the motorways are blocked with accidents)
Cant wait for holiday am off to Las Vegas - the cheeseburger at the oasis, Cheesecake factory
pancakes for breakfast am drooling already.
Have to be realistic am just not going to stay on plan at all.
OUCH!! Gone back up into the 11s tonight!!! NOT a nice feeling as I vowed never to re-enter the 11s!!!Got some major pulling back to do next week but feeling positive about it!!x
ninnins said:one weeks grace to the rescue again!
now im off on holiday on fri-who is gonna be responsible for chucking her out next week if need be?(not that there will be a need of course!)
also since im away for 2 weeks does that mean i get 2 weeks grace to get back down into the 10's again?! :8855:
777 sounds good
7 speed foods 7 syns for 7 days.
Might join you for this one next week
are you starting Sunday or Monday ?