Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

I was on the cocktails on Fri night-straight from work with no dinner, need i say more!

Plus when he gave me my first one he warned me to take it slow-you know its strong when a barman feels he needs to warn you!
Just sneaky peaked on the scales. They said 10 6!! I would be very happy if they said that tomorrow but doubt it cos i will have digested the alcohol from last night by tomorrow!!! Zumba tonight and some mat work :)
Jumped on the scales this morning and it said 11.0 then 10.13 then back to 11.0 so I am soooooooo nearly there!!!!
Hello all :)

Mind if I join this? I started at 12.1 and I'm 10.8 at the moment trying to get into the 9 stones but the last few weeks I'm only losing 0.5 lbs or gaining 0.5lbs.
Bought last week a crosstrainer hopefully this will help a bit :)
Oopsydaisy!! I went back up into the 11s tonight with a 1.5 lb gain!! Pleeeease don't throw me out by the scruff of my neck! I promise I'll be a good girl this week and get back into the 10s again by official WI next Mon!! (Tonight I weighed at home, but my scales are pretty close to the SW ones so can't be far out!)X
LPV you have done fab to get down for your hol, that measley lb or so you wanted to have lost wont make much difference.

3 WIS until my hol (including tomorrows-eek!)
I might get down to it by the time i go but wont av an official wi. I tried to get my c to let me go to her house next sunday night n wi but she said no!!!