Anyone in the 10's wanting to get into the 9's........

This is Alice, although it's quite an old picture and you can't quite see how big she is. She's got such a personality :)


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Yup it's an actual dog booster seat, got that one off amazon. She had one before that but it broke. We're currently looking for a doggy basket that goes on bikes so she can come too. Aww Alice is gorgeous, she's just a wee ilckle baby!!

That sounds lovely, I'm having quiche and tesco light choices chips for dinner. I know how you feel my bf is the exact same, last night he sat and ate a kebab in front of me and thinks if I want one I should just eat it because I've lost enough. At least he didn't have far to try and get home again :p

Aw that looks so pretty, I know it's not so nice to go out in but it really does look nice hehe aw that's a shame is there no way you could go or do you not want to risk it?

No I had left it at the bfs then he had the cheek to text me saying he ate the other half!!! Must be trying to help with my diet :p xxx
Haha! So he IS helpful towards your diet ;-)

No I don't want to risk it because we're due snow again overnight. Never mind, I'm seeing them next weekend anyway so I'll catch up with them then :)

Awwww she'll love the basket! Dogs love having the wind in their face. Hehe! I'd love to see that!

The snow is very pretty and especially so in this village I live in. Just a pain with driving! Enjoy your quiche. I had that last week with salad. Love quiche! xxx
Yea which conveniently is helpful to him stuffing his face ... :p

Aw that's not too bad at least you can catch up with them next week and hear about all the things they got up to while drunk hehe

I hope she will love it, she loves putting her head out the car window so fingers crossed. When I get it I'll take another picture. :D

I thought in wee villages the farmers sometimes cleared a bit of the roads and things? Might just be me thinking funny hehe I stay just up from a main road which isn't too bad but I stay up a hill which is the problem! Loved dinner. You had anymore treats? Xxx
Hehe! Well I've not seen them do that around here yet! No one has cleared any paths or anything...

It's funny how dogs love sticking their heads out the window! ? I wonder why that is?

*whispers* I had a peanut butter kitkat :( *hangs head in shame* I don't know whats wrong with me?? Grrrrrr! I'm so annoyed at myself, I can't seem to stop eating!

I WILL be back on track tomorrow and try and claw something back. I'll also go out for a long walk too xxx
That's shocking I though the council would have at least started something by now!!

Yea likes sticking her heat out the window, but blowing in her face, now that's another matter ... :p

That's not bad though. I've been looking for the new kit kats but can't find them anywhere or I would have done the same as you. Have you tried any of them?

How can you go a long walk in that snow?? Just stay in safe and do your davina app or something else indoors? Hope you've had a nice night xxx
My sister has found the coconut one (in Leeds) but I've not seen them here. I had to admit, Kitkat chunkys are my favourite! I want to try the coconut one and the hazelnut one - yum!

Did you have a nice evening?

The paths are real slushy and it's just started snowing again! Grrrrr! All day it says we've got it. Damn stuff! xxx
I did used to have a thing for kitkats but my ultimate weakness is caramel hehe my bf tried the chocolate fudge and said it was nicer than what he expected.

Didn't really do much yesterday at all, took Holly a walk then stayed in and watched tv, trying to save all my pennies. How about u?

We've still no snow but the sky is looking very white so I'd imagine it will either be today or tomorrow that we get it. Hope it doesn't get too bad where you are xxx
I did the same - just watched TV with the Bf and our housemate. I'm watching Sister Act right now. Love this film! ?

My absolute fav chocolate is Snickers - yummy! I am partial to a bit of caramel though ;-)
I'm not a bit nut person so not really a fan of snickers. Think my face would maybe be a toffee crisp.

Just done kettleworx resistance week 2 :D so glad it's done now. Hope your having a nice Sunday xxx
Hiya! How's your day been? I have to confess that Sunday turned out to be a terrible day food wise. I've been good today but fully expect to put on tomorrow. It's ok though, new week. New start :) xxx
Hey! That's just life we can't be perfect all the time and just have to deal with little blips along the way. How's your day been today?

I had two pies out of greggs today which is 16points!! :O been awake since half 3 with a pain in my back with turned out to be a kidney infection so because I was cold and feeling sorry for myself I had a little treat, all pointed though :D
Yeah I know but was really hoping to get a good few pounds off if January since I've got lots of social things coming up. Ah well. There's always next week :) I've been super good today. Just has some yummy couscous with roasted veg, ham and feta cheese. Was lush!

Ouch! 16pp! I used to have a Gregg's pasty daily! :-o at least it's all pointed. How you feeling now? Kidney infection is not good :( You defo deserved a treat xxx
You won't know until tomorrow when you WI so don't disregard it just yet. That sounds lovely, need to make that some day.

I know at least it's pointed hehe the cocodamol is taking away the pain but to go back on Thursday if it's still there. Been for my walk tonight, hope it all adds up for Wednesday! Xxx
Yaaaaaaaaay! Well done honey! That's brilliant! :-D

I've been AWOL this week as I've just been SO busy at work, but I'd not forgotten about you and wanted to just pop in and say and a big well done! :D

I've not weighed myself yet because I've been working out of a different station, which doesn't have a Boots near by. However, I'm not worried about this as I know I would have gained anyway lol :D I'm back at my usually station tomorrow, so I may WI then and see how I'm doing. I've been really good over the passed few days butthat's mainly because I've not had time to stuff my face!

Hope you've had a good day :) xxx
Thanks very much :D Totally off plan since then, been eating away on these tablets then I was on a painkiller that made me go funny so didn't have the effort to track hehe.

Aw that's a shame being so busy but I bet it's making your week fly in! That's fine missing a WI because you know that you can do it and you will get back on plan anyway. You at a different station because of the snow? We've still none but should get it tomorrow.

Hope you've not been as busy today! Xxx
Hi all

I'm now in the 10's yay!! I've set my goal on here as 10stone but ideally would love to get to 9st 10lb x finger's crossed x! Having spent the last few years on and off SW am absolutely loving WW and wish I'd have tried it sooner!!

Well done everyone :)
Well done fairyella that's great! How much have you lost so far? Sorry I'm on my phone and can't see the stats :)
Lost 12.5lbs so far :) x