Well done Lynn I am sure you deserved the treat after the race for life, I'm so close to the 10 something now eekkk dead exciting! Good luck Wayz and Lynn who's winning so far? x
Well done Lynne! That's great. How did the race go? I'm stuck at 12.11 so I don't think I will get to the 11s until sometime in July..... If I'm lucky!
Hi Wayz. Did the race in 44.53 mins which is about an average of 15.27 miles per minute. Slow for most but a record and AWESOME for me! I reckon the race is well and truly on - only 2lb between us and I'm no doubt out of ketosis again having had a chocolate brioche and an iced latte after the race and I'm having strawberries and cream later!
Wow! Well done. V impressed. I try to get into running but it really doesn't come naturally to me however so motivated am I by your run I've set my alarm for 530 to go for a "run" tomorrow morning! Watch this space.
I haven't been 100% TS this weekend a sits becoming a bit of a weekend thing that I have a meal on sat - steak, asparagus and salad and a small glass of red and sun - did roast lamb but just had some meat and green veggies with NO Roasties!! Am sure I deserve a few pounds loss for that was a test in itself!! Oh and a small glass of red! 100% tomorrow tho so yes, the race is on!
Well that's me up and done a 2.25 jog! Must say that it was a bit easier this time. I think that losing 1.5 st and doing shred has made a difference. Still cream crackered tho! Calories burned was 808. Does that sound about right? Seems high to me but if its right then in 600 cals a day I'm sure to drop a few pounds soon
Wow, well done you. I'm on a rest day today but will try to get up at 5 tomorrow and do my run. I would have thought your calorie count would be about 260 for your run. I use the Runkeeper app on my phone. It's going to kill me keeping up!!!!
Hi Dee. I struggle too. I set my alarm and then sleep through it! However if I'm going to join you in the 10s I'm going to have to get my a*** out of bed in the mornings and go for a run! Also, I've got a competition on here with Wayz..... gotta get serious!
Can I please join? I got into the 12st zone this morning by the skin of my teeth. 12st 13 3/4. But still here and so happy. Can't wait to leave it behind. I know you are all ahead of me, but still, it is so cool having others to talk to.
Hi kittyperry! Welcome! Well done getting into the 12s, it's so wonderful to move down a stone isn't it? I'm at 12.10 so although I'm hoping to move to the 11s as soon as possible, I think it might be a while!!
Can I please join? I got into the 12st zone this morning by the skin of my teeth. 12st 13 3/4. But still here and so happy. Can't wait to leave it behind. I know you are all ahead of me, but still, it is so cool having others to talk to.
Ah yes, but I've eaten 4 Atkins bars today. I am never buying them at work again. if I just bring 1 exante bar to work then that is all I have. Those Atkins Cappucino nut bars are irrestable! Did a 2.07 mile run at lunch time so that will use up some of the calories but nowhere near all of them!
Wow v impressed with run. My good start to the week hasn't really kept rolling as I've been in London for 2 days. Official WI tomorrow and I had hoped for 12.7 but won't get there tomorrow. Must try harder!!!
Doh! Just had a handful of crisps!!! We have wine o'clock at 4 on a Friday and the various crisps and snacks on offer is my downfall!!! I can't help myself!