Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Hi wendolene. I can't help u there as I mixed between SP and extra easy. But I usually stay away from rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. Apart from weekends :)

So happy. Lost 3.5 today and 5.5 inches. Hopefully 1lb away from half a stone :). And 1 stone lost from jan 1st!

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Hi wendolene. I can't help u there as I mixed between SP and extra easy. But I usually stay away from rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. Apart from weekends :) So happy. Lost 3.5 today and 5.5 inches. Hopefully 1lb away from half a stone :). And 1 stone lost from jan 1st! Sent from my iPhone using

Well done Cm, awesome!!
I'm 9.8 this week - I've been 9.4 in the last few years - several times but then climbed back up. 15 years since I've been in the 8s - I was 8.10 on 22nd April 2000 for my wedding and was probably over 9 by the end of the honeymoon. What with age and kids - I sometimes wonder if 8s are possible but I think they probably are as my exercise has been half hearted before at 9.4. I don't think I'll make the 8s in time for my wedding anniversary but determined to do it this year
Hi. I know how ya feel. I was 7.10 before pregnancy. Last year I got down to 8.6. Last week I got to 9.11. But after a long birthday weekend I'm back 10.1 today flip sake.

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Hi. I know how ya feel. I was 7.10 before pregnancy. Last year I got down to 8.6. Last week I got to 9.11. But after a long birthday weekend I'm back 10.1 today flip sake.

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It's mad isn't it. I was 6.10-7.4 for years but probably not healthy on it then 7.10 for ages - so what happened (well I ate too much obviously ) - I've been in the high 11s - so just focusing on how I feel and dress size more than numbers - but still obsessed by them!
I wish I could focus on dress size rather than the numbers :(

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It's tough isn't it - it's years and years of looking at numbers - numbers stalling - diet stalking and starting again so really hard to focus on health and fitness and less on numbers but I'm trying
Think we all stress about those devil scales. Unfortunately I find when I dont weigh myself, that's when things go pear shaped again & I put on a ton of weight! Hence I'm in this position yet again! Even tho I only have myself to blame cos I put the food in my mouth, my health did have a lot to do with it! But I've had surgery now, I'm weaning off the drugs I believe to be the culprit of some/if not all of this all honesty I have not eaten enough 'bad' food to put 2 stone back on! I have done a lot of research into this particular drug & weight gain is one of the main side effects.....not an an excuse on my part, but I could have controlled it better I suppose. Also, I supppose I was in so much pain leading up to the surgery & then afterwards was horrible as I was doped up cos of the pain, emotionally I ate what I wanted!

Haha & to top it off I started hrt patches......just great lol! Thats my story to date......I'm now on that slow & laborious journey that is weight loss! I say that cos I'm a notorious slow loser, but its getting there slow but sure!
Totally agree with you Kim, avoiding the scales is absolutely my downfall. I got to 8st 13 in mid november - my lowest weight in living memory. Then I embarked on 7 weeks of hard core partying. And honestly I'm not kidding - like 42 days out of 49 out and at massive parties, boozy lunches, all day sessions. I was always going to put some weight back on. I think it's impossible to eat out nearly every single day for 7 weeks and drink heavily have christmas and new year and not gain something.

HOWEVER, I avoided the scales until the first week in January and managed to put on 1 stone. Which frankly when you weigh 9 stone is just utterly ridiculous. I really think if I had braved the scales early december and seen e..g 9st 6 I wouldn't have put on another half a stone. I could have done something about it. There would still have been damage but not a whole stone. It's now mid Feb and I've still got half of it left to lose (2 week business trip to hong kong didn't help!). But honestly what a lot of work to undo the damage.

Very frustrating.

I landed back from asia yesterday morning and wasn't going to weigh tomorrow but honestly I think it will help me because I'm out Friday, Saturday and Sunday so even if the scales are really bad and I've put on weight, it might frighten me enough to not have a stupid binge over the next three days.

I will weigh in tomorrow and deal with whatever it tells me!
Sorry for being rubbish and not having time to do the slimming world pages!! Sorry!!

I've had a really rubbish time these last 3 months and I'm wondering whether it's down to me moving house and starting a new job all at the same time... Which was mid November! I've gained a stone this then but I've also been booked into doctors on Monday to look into my pill because I've been really down too and nurse thinks it's the hormones.

Anyway, wedding dress fitting is 22 weeks away and I have 27lb to target. Very achievable I think?

I'm going to count calories, cut the booze out, cut the bread out and cut out takeaways.
Hi ladies - haven't been on for a while so good to catch up on how you're all getting on! Kim , so lovely to see you back!! You were always so supportive on my journey to target so if I can repay in any way then give me a shout! Sounds like you've had a bad few months but hope everything is on the mend now.
Nikki, good idea about the pill check up. I was on one once and felt horrifically down- so much so I went to the pharmacy and asked if there were any well known side effects of it before bursting into uncontrollable tears which I was unable to stop- was literally sobbing!! I laugh now when I look back but at the time it was horrible. Think you've definitely got time to shift what you want to before the dress fitting!
I've been back to class this evening after not going for a month (I've not been going to class anywhere near as much as I promised I would) and I've lost 1lb in that time so still at target which is great. I can't remember exactly when I got to target but it must be getting on for a year in couple of months and I've managed to maintain the whole time so I'm really pleased! I was scared that I'd set my target too low at 8'9 and that I'd put on but it seems my body is quite comfortable. It does make me wonder whether if I really pushed myself, I could lose another 7lbs and lower target though or would that be too low? People say I'm skinny now but I don't see if at all but I don't know if I ever will because I've lost so much and my body confidence has always been zero! X
Thanks Steph & we'll done for maintaining for so long. How tall are you? Unless you're 4 foot something why would you want to push yourself to go lower!

Hormones....horrible! I used the patches for about 5 weeks last year & gave up on them, but the flushes got so bad I had to go back on & I'm getting used to them now. I thought they were 1 of the reasons for weight gain but after a lot of research they don't really make you gain!

You've been thru a lot of changes Nikki so maybe its a good idea to get checked out. But also, stop being so hard on yourself :)

It's good to see some old faces back
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Thanks Kim, I'm actually quite surprised I've managed to maintain, not because I haven't tried hard but more because I just didn't feel it would be sustainable for me because I've always been much heavier. I'm 5ft 2 so I'm at the mid point of my bmi - I think maybe I think about my weight too much at times rather than looking at improving confidence and getting myself out of dark baggy clothes!
You've had such a tough time Kim so don't beat yourself up, whatever the cause for the gain, you know you can get it off again and your health and being in less pain is far far more important. You can and definitely will lose it again. X
I think with most of us, body confidence has a lot to do with it & social pressure. You hit the nail on the head there Steph, those numbers are just that....numbers. Its how you feel & look emotionally & physically that is more important & we all forget that. 8.9 is perfect for you because you're able to maintain that.
I couldn't maintain 8.7, plus my hubby thought I was too scrawny so I think 9st is probably better for me.
Does anybody fancy a challenge? We could do a short one, 6 weeks. That would take us to Easter weekend?

I've weighed in today.

Easter challenge!
Nikki: 10st 9lb target is 9st 9lb by Easter weekend.

Anyone wants to join just copy and paste the list of names.