kim63 said:
All right for you lot sat at home chillin! I'm here saving lives.....not really! I'm sat on my fat arse reading minimims! Hopefully will be a quiet night if my girl sleeps thru so will catch up on some Masterchef!
We've got some friends over for dinner tomorrow night & DH is cooking a roast lamb, lots of veg, roasties around the lamb & full fat douphinoise potatoes!!!! But he's a good boy & doing me some SW roasties! I shall obviously not partake in eating the Tarte Citron & Apple Pie with creme fraiche either or the wine!!!
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Hope your shift went quick Kim
Food sounds yummy for tonight your so good still not drinking
Have a lovely evening xx
debtin said:
Morning ladies. Weigh in today 8st 7.75 happy with that. Ended up having two glasses wine. Neither up nor down with it but dare I say I feel rough? Not rough but enough to make me not want to drink tonight even tho its a hen night (ugh) not sure I can cope going sober but not sure I can risk feeling like this tom. Gettin too old ha
Do you have white wine Deb? Try mixing it with soda it makes it last longer and might not give you such a bad hangover. I can't drink white now unless its a spritzer cause of that mind you red does the same but I'm ok with just a couple of glasses.
Hen party tonight !!!! Woohoo !!!! Are you dressing up ? Hope you have a great time maybe have a few drinks but mix it with one alcohol one soft
Don't think I could go sober not at a hen party ;-) x
Jenna88 said:
Oh it definitely takes less to affect you and it's MUCH worse now than it was late teens lol! I would feel the same though about not coping sober haha!
I weighed in a day early as I'm off to a mates for tea tonight-8st 11lbs. Making it a loss of 2lbs. Shows what I can do if I'm good, but it has me really stressed about dinner tonight as I want to be good but know that I definitely can't avoid eating whatever she has made and the chances of my willpower resisting cheesecake are slim to non existent. AGHHHH! Maybe I'll eat sooo much dinner that there will be no room for cheesecake? *wishful thinking...there's always room for cheesecake*
Well done Jenna that's a brilliant loss. Just relax and enjoy your night with your friend it's only one meal. Small portions then you can have a bit of everything ;-)
Have a fab time xx
Nikki<3 said:
See you soon ladies!! Be good whilst I'm away! Xxxx
Bon voyage !!!! Have a great time Nikki looking forward to hearing all about when you get back
Take care xx
Busy this morn ladies
Need to get up have to be out the house for 9.15 girls have stagecoach this morn I usually do a tesco shop and pop my mums but today got to take our books to the accountants and then get some fireworks cause we're off to friends tomorrow night for a bonfire party !!!
Food tomorrow night is traditional pie and peas ?? I'am having some cause its one meal will have more filling and a bit of pastry.
I've said I'll make puds, last year I made the sw roulade which is lovely but huuby wants Bakewell tart and jess wants to do her lemon drizzle cake..... Will see what time I have and my friends mum is a baker so usually brings loads too. It would be good to have a low syn option though. Any ideas of quick easy tasty low syn puds let me know please
Have a lovely Saturday everyone xx