I love Christmas but I hate it as well, its such a pain for weight loss. Although this year its partly my own fault, last year I was fine in the run up to Christmas and was really good just because I knew Christmas was coming and I wanted to get to target before. This year although I do have a target I want to get to it doesn't seem as urgent (probably because I'm not paying at the moment) so I'm enjoying the run up to Christmas a lot more, which is good, but does mean I'm going to have a harder time after Christmas... but that's normal isn't it? most people gain weight over Christmas and then loose it after. My main worry actually is if I gain too much I won't have anything to wear... I jumped from size 12 to size 8 and have got rid of all my size 12's now, I might need some 10's for after Christmas but I refuse to buy any.... I suppose if jeans get too tight I'll have to live in my jumper dresses.
Awww just seen an advert for the batcave we've got for little one and he got excited saying that's what he's going to ask santa for, hope that doesn't change before Christmas haha.
This weekend is proving to be more difficult then I thought, we're now going to another Christmas market and a friends house for take-away... but I'm going to be good this time and take my own lunch to the Christmas market and make sure I take some diet coke so I have drinks as well, then for the take-away I'll make sure I get something low syn and that will be all I have that day.
Next weekends market will depend on how WI this week goes (not doing blind WI's until the week after if I do decide to do them as my consultant isn't there next week, plus I'm only a lb into my target range so would feel more comfortable if I do see a loss this week)