Gold Member
Yey well done deb thats awesome
Hi everyone, I'm not sure why but I lost 2 lbs this wk! I have had to take week off gym & running because of my eye surgery. So I'm down to 8st 7 this morning.
It won't last though as have a weekend away with my sisters this weekend and there will be a lot of drink involved!!!
Have a good day everyone.
Also think I may have found some swimming lessons for little one, been talking about booking him on some but haven't got round to it... anyway got a ******* today and can book 4 lessons for £10 or 8 for £16 (30 minute lessons) we have 8 weeks until our holidays... seems perfect to me. Going to speak to boyfriend when he gets home to see what he thinks, he should be home any minute as well.... no idea where he's got to.
Wow so many pages to catch up on so cheated and just skimmed through lol
Not been a very good week for me got a horrible cold and i reckon a chest infection as been up every night coughing til I vomit :-( no fun! Slept for most of yesterday so finally feeling a tiny bit better today. Food has just been whatever I can be bothered making so not very healthy but not really a huge amount either so a sts or small gain would be good this week.
Can I join in the challenge? I don't have any lovely holidays sadly but I am my friends bridesmaid at start of October and need to be back at target before then
Not entirely sure on start weight as last Friday I got 9st 3lb but I think this was a false reading from being unwell as scales had been higher than that before and after. Think its more like 9st 4lb so will take that as start weight. Aiming for 9st.
Got a bunch of new exercise DVDs to try and as soon as I get better need to get back to gym been majorly slacking due to being busy or ill. X
I had to think who jenna was. Thats so weird!
Ladies my extensions have been doing my head in for ages now and look ive cut them off.....and dyed it orange hahaha