Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Managed 7 straight minutes on treadmill. Started doing the plan but just decided to keep going. Twenty min session and my heart is pumping loving it and can't believe the difference in one week or how much I feel worked out!!
Just had my official weigh in and I'm still showing a 5lb loss even after breakfast and dinner :) can't wait to get back to gym tomorrow!
Brilliant that is a great of those moments where I would most definately fall off the scales ;)
well done honeypop that's fab :)

I maintained, which I'm really happy about, shows I pulled it back the rest of the week. Going to try for a loss next week even though we have the party on Sat, I think aiming for a loss will make me stay more in control, whereas if I said I was trying to maintain again I think I'd just go mental and eat everything in sight. So going to have 5 syns a day and then on sat will have two sausages (1 syn) some of my ice-cream (3 syns) and one of my friends cakes (20 syns) then possibly a bit of rocky road or a beer. If I stick with that and only have the 24 syns then Sunday and Monday I can have more then 5 syns.
Sounds good Donna. I had a few too many truffles tonight after weigh in but I'm syned everything up and went well over my daily allowance but I have 9 syns left each day until next weigh in so that shouldn't e hard to maintain and hopefully ill have 1-2lb loss.
Here's to lbs being destroyed for good!!!!
We have a day out with work tom where basically we get rolls n sausage etc for breakfast, presentation then lunch. Decided to make my own sandwiches and cut them into little triangles so that I wouldn't look like the odd ball. These things are always so tempting and never know what lunch will be. Decided that although I still haven't got proper bread in yet that 50/50 and having control over the filling is better than risking it and having pie on the menu. Hopefully there will be salad and cold meats....hope my motivation lasts x
debtin said:
We have a day out with work tom where basically we get rolls n sausage etc for breakfast, presentation then lunch. Decided to make my own sandwiches and cut them into little triangles so that I wouldn't look like the odd ball. These things are always so tempting and never know what lunch will be. Decided that although I still haven't got proper bread in yet that 50/50 and having control over the filling is better than risking it and having pie on the menu. Hopefully there will be salad and cold meats....hope my motivation lasts x

Ur doing the right thing planning ahead. U can do it. Just keep reminding urself about how bad U will feel if u give in
Sounds good Donna. I had a few too many truffles tonight after weigh in but I'm syned everything up and went well over my daily allowance but I have 9 syns left each day until next weigh in so that shouldn't e hard to maintain and hopefully ill have 1-2lb loss.
Here's to lbs being destroyed for good!!!!

Yeah you should be fine if you stay within 9 syns a day, not bad at all :)

Well done Donna that's great. So focused as always ;)

Thank you, can't help but think ooo would it have been a loss if I'd not had the ww sticky toffee pudding yesterday, but then I sort of thing, well I don't care I was happy for a maintain and I enjoyed it yesterday so whatever. Plus it was only 8.5 syns, chances are that won't have made a difference anyway.

Annie any news on your mum? Try not to stress and good luck for tom ;)

Yeah sending best wishes to your mum and you for tomorrow. Let us know how she is and how you get on

We have a day out with work tom where basically we get rolls n sausage etc for breakfast, presentation then lunch. Decided to make my own sandwiches and cut them into little triangles so that I wouldn't look like the odd ball. These things are always so tempting and never know what lunch will be. Decided that although I still haven't got proper bread in yet that 50/50 and having control over the filling is better than risking it and having pie on the menu. Hopefully there will be salad and cold meats....hope my motivation lasts x

Good idea making your own sarnies to stay in control, days like that are a nightmare aren't they. But just do your best to stick to your plan, I hate it when food is taken out of my control, might be like that on Thursday but I'll have to just get over it. It is at a school so they should do jackets with beans (I think I'll make it a green day) Good luck.

I'm thinking of applying to go on catchphrase next year. Got the application form but there's a lot of TV questions you'd expect (like a funny story involving you, what party tricks do you have, what do people find surprising about you ect.) I hate questions like that.
Well done on STS Donna.....amazing discipline!

Great planning there Debs....SW is becoming ingrained!

Hope you enjoyed the truffles HP!

Hope your Mum's OK after her surgery Annie

Grrrr, hate day shifts, as I have to have my breakfast at some ungodly hour of the morning & my stomach isn't awake yet & I have to force it in! Beans & Quorn sausage today & tomorrow.....most unappetising, especially with it so dark outside!
Hopw you all have a good day x
I hate having to force breakfast but its better then not having any.

I'll have to do that tomorrow before my interview, but haven't decided what I'll be having yet. Might have porridge... or I might save both HEB's for hifi's for snacking on later. In a way its a bit awkward being on a Thursday especially when little one has his halloween party because I need to make sure I have a banana and possibly a hifi a hour or so before my run. Def having a green day though.
Hi ladies a quick post :)

Still going strong haven't wrote food down though but kept an eye on things have been 100% except Sunday when we were out and about and it was 3 o'clock and the girls hadn't had lunch and were starving so we went to macdonalds I shared a quarter pounder meal with hubby so could've been worse he definitely had more lol

Sorry to hear your mum is in hosp Annie my sister had that op last year and it was a great success she was up and about 12 hours after op just need take things easy for a while
Hope your interview goes well and you can get to visit her later big hugs huni :)

Well done on loss this week honeypop that's fab
And a sts is great Donna good luck tomorrow with your interview keep smiling and be yourself x

Well done on your exercise deb your doing so well I'm seriously lacking there but just can't get round to it so busy at the min did go for a walk Monday night does that count ? Ha ha x

Are you feeling better nikki ? Hope so x

Have a good day everyone xx
That doesn't sound too bad at all, I would have ended up having a meal to myself the mood I've been in lately when temptation has been in the way. My boyfriend would never let me share one either actually lol. Well done on being 100% :)

I want you all to tell me off if I go over my weekly syns on Saturday, I'm not going to drink hopefully, I just know one of my friends is bringing some hobgoblin and other halloween themed beers, I know its really childish, but I know what I'm like I'm going to be very tempted just because their themed, but hopefully she and my boyfriend will demolish them. I might just have a taste of the ones that he has to keep me from having one or two to myself. If I don't go over then I can have a ww rhubarb crumble on the Sunday, whereas if I do they'll have to go in the freezer. I'll have to temp myself with that :)
Donna don't be so tough on yourself I'd just have the night off and relax you probably not have that much extra anyway but I find if I say I CAN'T have it I'd spend all night wanting it and end up being miserable life's for enjoying and it's one night just chill and make sure you enjoy your night. With all your running you can probably allow yourself a bit extra anyway :) xx
i agree with ronnie donna - life is for living, yes its not for bingeing but you dont do that anyway so be in control of your food, dont let it control you. having a beer or two wont make you gain weight - you do so well you deserve to have what you want (within reason ;o)
well did it - back from our morning out and ate my sandwiches - granted they were 50/50 sandwiches but much better than the rolls sausage, bacon, sausage rolls pastry's on offer - go me....for some reason though i felt bloated today - that was before i ate the sandwiches - dont have gym kit either - not a happy bunny
Okay, I'll try and relax more..... but its so hard, I eat plenty of free and superfree it should be coming out of my ears, but I just can't help obsessing over the syns side of it. But thanks, I will be more relaxed on Sat. I know your right, at the most I'd have two beers I suppose, I wouldn't go crazy. We'll see if I fancy them on Sat, my main worry is once I start drinking there's going to be more to temp me cake ect. wise. But saying that I'm 9 stone 1 at the moment, which is more then I want to be, but as much as I'd like a loss this week, if I gain its not going to be 2lbs and I'd need to gain more then that to go out of my target range...

Did you have anything different last night Deb? Just with you feeling bloated, your sandwich would have def been better then eating what else was on offer, well done for staying strong.