Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

donna88 said:
Okay, I'll try and relax more..... but its so hard, I eat plenty of free and superfree it should be coming out of my ears, but I just can't help obsessing over the syns side of it. But thanks, I will be more relaxed on Sat. I know your right, at the most I'd have two beers I suppose, I wouldn't go crazy. We'll see if I fancy them on Sat, my main worry is once I start drinking there's going to be more to temp me cake ect. wise. But saying that I'm 9 stone 1 at the moment, which is more then I want to be, but as much as I'd like a loss this week, if I gain its not going to be 2lbs and I'd need to gain more then that to go out of my target range...

Did you have anything different last night Deb? Just with you feeling bloated, your sandwich would have def been better then eating what else was on offer, well done for staying strong.

How tall are you Hun? Sorry can't see I'm on my phone x
I'm 5 ft 3 and a half (yeah that half makes all the difference) so I'm short but not tiny... I think I should be able to get lower then what I am, my mum is closer to 8 stone then 9 and she's my height (although I wouldn't want to get down to her size to be honest, she looks great but I like my bum and she doesn't really have one) and her friend is just under 9 stone and she looks bigger then me but again similar height, although she does weigh naked first thing in the morning whereas I weigh at 5 and I'm not at the point where I'm stripping off at WI yet ;) my mum does think I must have heavy bones though, she's said that a few times
Oh but on a positive note, when I got dressed this morning, I was actually really happy with what I saw stomach wise... still needs some improvement but that's the first time I've ever been able to say I'm happy with my tummy even pre-baby.
donna88 said:
I'm 5 ft 3 and a half (yeah that half makes all the difference) so I'm short but not tiny... I think I should be able to get lower then what I am, my mum is closer to 8 stone then 9 and she's my height (although I wouldn't want to get down to her size to be honest, she looks great but I like my bum and she doesn't really have one) and her friend is just under 9 stone and she looks bigger then me but again similar height, although she does weigh naked first thing in the morning whereas I weigh at 5 and I'm not at the point where I'm stripping off at WI yet ;) my mum does think I must have heavy bones though, she's said that a few times

I think that you would be go ok with another 7-10 lb loss if you think you'll be happier.

I got down to 9st 1 this year and being 5ft 7 I felt great! But I average around 9st5ish, I'm between 9st8 and 9st11 at the moment depending on my queasiness haha but I weigh in the morning naked too.

Beginning to get really fed up of eating bread, I've been living on it recently and so I'm off bread as of tomorrow for 2 weeks (been getting nasty belly ache with it)

I think that when your mentally at a weight you've always dreamed off there are something's that start to give and your body kind of puts up a stand and doesn't want you to lose anymore, enjoy Saturday night Donna and perhaps it will give you a boost ready for Tuesday.

If you don't mind me asking, what weight did you go up to when you was pregnant?

I'm worried that none of my holiday clothes will fit me when I go away! I don't want to be forking out on new ones that will only be used for this holiday! Maybe a couple of health weeks will take the bloating down!
I think that you would be go ok with another 7-10 lb loss if you think you'll be happier.

I got down to 9st 1 this year and being 5ft 7 I felt great! But I average around 9st5ish, I'm between 9st8 and 9st11 at the moment depending on my queasiness haha but I weigh in the morning naked too.

Beginning to get really fed up of eating bread, I've been living on it recently and so I'm off bread as of tomorrow for 2 weeks (been getting nasty belly ache with it)

I think that when your mentally at a weight you've always dreamed off there are something's that start to give and your body kind of puts up a stand and doesn't want you to lose anymore, enjoy Saturday night Donna and perhaps it will give you a boost ready for Tuesday.

If you don't mind me asking, what weight did you go up to when you was pregnant?

I'm worried that none of my holiday clothes will fit me when I go away! I don't want to be forking out on new ones that will only be used for this holiday! Maybe a couple of health weeks will take the bloating down!

I think I just need to take a back seat with my weight, eat healthy go off plan if I want to for an event ect. and just see what happens, if I loose great if I don't that's fine too, but it is hard, especially with Christmas coming up as I'd love to get down for Christmas. I think that's whats doing it for me now, seeing people set goals for Christmas I want to join in.

I think giving up bread is a good idea if its making you feel bloated, I get like that if I have too much of it. As for what I got up to in pregnancy I honestly can't tell you as I never paid attention to what the midwife said about my weight and never weighed myself. I had issues with weight when I was younger but I had a healthier view in the sense that I never paid attention to scales it was how I looked and how my clothes felt... where as now I'm healthier in what I eat but not in my obsession about exactly how much I weigh. I'd say I must have put on 4-ish stone though, as I was bigger after having little one then I was when I joined slimming world (I lost weight on my own after having him but I put it back on when I met my boyfriend) sorry I'm not much help, but you won't be as bad as me as you are being healthy. When I was pregnant I was ignorant, I didn't think about what I was eating and how it was effecting me and my baby, I just ate all the rubbish I wanted and used being pregnant as a reason, I also thought I was slim with a bump. (even when my maternity tops didn't fit my arms)
donna88 said:
I think I just need to take a back seat with my weight, eat healthy go off plan if I want to for an event ect. and just see what happens, if I loose great if I don't that's fine too, but it is hard, especially with Christmas coming up as I'd love to get down for Christmas. I think that's whats doing it for me now, seeing people set goals for Christmas I want to join in.

I think giving up bread is a good idea if its making you feel bloated, I get like that if I have too much of it. As for what I got up to in pregnancy I honestly can't tell you as I never paid attention to what the midwife said about my weight and never weighed myself. I had issues with weight when I was younger but I had a healthier view in the sense that I never paid attention to scales it was how I looked and how my clothes felt... where as now I'm healthier in what I eat but not in my obsession about exactly how much I weigh. I'd say I must have put on 4-ish stone though, as I was bigger after having little one then I was when I joined slimming world (I lost weight on my own after having him but I put it back on when I met my boyfriend) sorry I'm not much help, but you won't be as bad as me as you are being healthy. When I was pregnant I was ignorant, I didn't think about what I was eating and how it was effecting me and my baby, I just ate all the rubbish I wanted and used being pregnant as a reason, I also thought I was slim with a bump. (even when my maternity tops didn't fit my arms)

I'm quite happy so far as I know it's all bloat,not fat and not baby yet. The only thing I'm concerned about is my holiday clothes, I need to still fit in them and after speaking to the doc and midwife they are happy for me to eat like I was before pregnant as baby doesn't take anything really in the first tri ad doesn't need many nutrients. So I'm going on a health kick now and I know that around 9st6-9st7 my holiday clothes will fit!

I also don't want to gain much throughout because 4 months after my due date we are off on a big family holiday and again don't want to be buying loads of new clothes!

So much to think about!!!
Good plan Donna. Must be hard to break your ways and no one is sayin your ways are wrong. Just that you Are allowed the odd beer and the crumble if you so wish.
Have you ever weighed yourself in morning? I understand your Xmas thinking as I always over eat but to be honest I don't think too much about it as It's once per year, everyone is celebrating etc but like you if I get to eight stone I prob won't want to jepordise it but it would give me some room if I did over eat.
I think your prob smaller too with your excercise and running and those pounds will come off x
When is your hols now Nikki? Do your clothes fit just now? Your swimwear will still fit and you could take some elasticated shorts? I was pretty bloated at your stage and went into maternity work trousers early as they were more comfortable but I prob wouldn't be happy buying items I won't use again.
It's hard one. Do your tops fit? Just live in your bikini lol

Quite gutted that I didn't make gym. Having hard time of it with argument last night has been blown out of proportion and oh isn't happy camper. I have been playing peace maker all day but I have had enough of feeling like I am solely to blame. Anyway I had already taken out chicken breasts from freezer so I could defrost for dinner. Put haggis inside and wrapped in bacon and he doesn't want stuffed from mine but hate waste. Any ideas ladies.
Could be doing with a workout to punch out my frustration :(
debtin said:
Good plan Donna. Must be hard to break your ways and no one is sayin your ways are wrong. Just that you Are allowed the odd beer and the crumble if you so wish.
Have you ever weighed yourself in morning? I understand your Xmas thinking as I always over eat but to be honest I don't think too much about it as It's once per year, everyone is celebrating etc but like you if I get to eight stone I prob won't want to jepordise it but it would give me some room if I did over eat.
I think your prob smaller too with your excercise and running and those pounds will come off x
When is your hols now Nikki? Do your clothes fit just now? Your swimwear will still fit and you could take some elasticated shorts? I was pretty bloated at your stage and went into maternity work trousers early as they were more comfortable but I prob wouldn't be happy buying items I won't use again.
It's hard one. Do your tops fit? Just live in your bikini lol

Quite gutted that I didn't make gym. Having hard time of it with argument last night has been blown out of proportion and oh isn't happy camper. I have been playing peace maker all day but I have had enough of feeling like I am solely to blame. Anyway I had already taken out chicken breasts from freezer so I could defrost for dinner. Put haggis inside and wrapped in bacon and he doesn't want stuffed from mine but hate waste. Any ideas ladies.
Could be doing with a workout to punch out my frustration :(

Haha I just hate the old love handles *yuck* I look really thick at the moment which isn't very flattering at all! The other day I was quite happy with how I look in my underwear so I'm hoping some healthy eating will ease the bloat and "blobby" look!

I haven't tried on my shorts etc but my tops, dresses and bikinis should be ok. I bought 3 brand new bikinis before I found out and I've got an awful feeling they won't fit now because I had planned on losing a further 8lb to fit into them properly. Think this may be a task for next weekend! I go 2 weeks tomorrow so if I wait until next Saturday/Sunday I hopefully will be less bloated and might be able to do a mercy dash to next and new look! X
I'm quite happy so far as I know it's all bloat,not fat and not baby yet. The only thing I'm concerned about is my holiday clothes, I need to still fit in them and after speaking to the doc and midwife they are happy for me to eat like I was before pregnant as baby doesn't take anything really in the first tri ad doesn't need many nutrients. So I'm going on a health kick now and I know that around 9st6-9st7 my holiday clothes will fit!

I also don't want to gain much throughout because 4 months after my due date we are off on a big family holiday and again don't want to be buying loads of new clothes!

So much to think about!!!

I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to be careful to not gain too much, I'll be much more careful next time, I don't want to put on anywhere near what I did last time, in fact I want to put on the bare minimum I need for the baby to be healthy. I did the same but its really annoyed me when I've known people who've gained loads of weight everytime they have a baby and use the excuse ''the baby needs me to eat more'' I always think, really the baby needs you to eat those biscuits and massive cake while avoiding veg at all costs?

I know I won't be like I was before,

Good plan Donna. Must be hard to break your ways and no one is sayin your ways are wrong. Just that you Are allowed the odd beer and the crumble if you so wish.
Have you ever weighed yourself in morning? I understand your Xmas thinking as I always over eat but to be honest I don't think too much about it as It's once per year, everyone is celebrating etc but like you if I get to eight stone I prob won't want to jepordise it but it would give me some room if I did over eat.
I think your prob smaller too with your excercise and running and those pounds will come off x
When is your hols now Nikki? Do your clothes fit just now? Your swimwear will still fit and you could take some elasticated shorts? I was pretty bloated at your stage and went into maternity work trousers early as they were more comfortable but I prob wouldn't be happy buying items I won't use again.
It's hard one. Do your tops fit? Just live in your bikini lol

Quite gutted that I didn't make gym. Having hard time of it with argument last night has been blown out of proportion and oh isn't happy camper. I have been playing peace maker all day but I have had enough of feeling like I am solely to blame. Anyway I had already taken out chicken breasts from freezer so I could defrost for dinner. Put haggis inside and wrapped in bacon and he doesn't want stuffed from mine but hate waste. Any ideas ladies.
Could be doing with a workout to punch out my frustration :(

I don't have any scales at home so I can't weigh at home, but that's not the end of the world, I suppose if I stay around 9 stone with my WI's in the afternoon I know I must be 8 stone something during the day... its just nicer seeing it on the scales.

Have you cooked his portion, could you refreeze it if it was raw when first frozen? It's awful when you have those arguments isn't it, especially if he isn't backing down and admitting maybe you were both slightly wrong. Have to admit that's something my boyfriend is very good with, even when I am being a complete cow he'll never hold a grudge against me for it and will often also take some responsibility. Like when I called him fat for eating all the marshmallows, I apologised after saying I was out of order (which I was) but he said he was also sorry for eating them all (which to be fair to him was stupid, he had no idea I wanted them for my hot chocolate as that wasn't what they were originally bought for)

Haha I just hate the old love handles *yuck* I look really thick at the moment which isn't very flattering at all! The other day I was quite happy with how I look in my underwear so I'm hoping some healthy eating will ease the bloat and "blobby" look!

I haven't tried on my shorts etc but my tops, dresses and bikinis should be ok. I bought 3 brand new bikinis before I found out and I've got an awful feeling they won't fit now because I had planned on losing a further 8lb to fit into them properly. Think this may be a task for next weekend! I go 2 weeks tomorrow so if I wait until next Saturday/Sunday I hopefully will be less bloated and might be able to do a mercy dash to next and new look! X

I wouldn't worry too much about the bikini's you bought to loose weight to get into, try them on but if they don't fit then its not the end of the world, you didn't know you'd be pregnant and not wanting to loose that 8lbs, you can always save them for the next time you go away after having little one :)
Well done M155chw, thats another great loss. How are you enjoying SW so far?

Hope you all have a good SW day. Off to work again at this awful hour & its only going to get worse with the clocks going back on Sunday, with not only driving to work in the dark but coming home in it.......hate the winter! Im also forcing down Quorn sausages & beans......need some substance to put up with rowdy, undisciplined, disruptive year 11's.....could use some unsavoury adjectives to describe them but......!!!!!!! My job is varied to say the least! x
Kim how come your with the kids?I know you said you were with your client but am intrigued...also known as nosey ;)

Annie how's mum and how did interview go?

Donna good luck for today. It's an early interview so you will prob get this once its over. Hope it went well ;)

Woke up feeling that feeling. My habit of eating crisp and chocolate at night is wearing off. Had one pack crisp and one bar chocolate in nearly two weeks. In fact two chocolate but honestly feels good.
ALso couldn't resist scales today for that reason....know it doesn't count but I was happy lol
I love when you wake up feeling slim. Today I woke up cramping so I don't think I'm gonna have the slim feeling this week lol
And scales have been removed from house so can't even check lol
I'm glad the scales have made u happy this morning!!
Client goes to school so I'm there to look after her medically, the TA's do the school bit! I have to sit in the classes so observe what goes on grrrr!!!
Tuttut standing on the scales a day early! But do love that slim feeling too! Well done on resisting the evening munchies, but you know that you can still have choccies & crisp within syns.....galaxy ripples are my fave at the mo 9 syns worth!

Good luck with your interviews Donna & Annie x

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins
Client goes to school so I'm there to look after her medically, the TA's do the school bit! I have to sit in the classes so observe what goes on grrrr!!!
Tuttut standing on the scales a day early! But do love that slim feeling too! Well done on resisting the evening munchies, but you know that you can still have choccies & crisp within syns.....galaxy ripples are my fave at the mo 9 syns worth!

Good luck with your interviews Donna & Annie x

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

ah makes sense now! yes i am very naughty but wont record my weight til tomorrow when its offical. Enjoying having contol just now and if i want something i will have it but to be honest i wont be buying things i like for now - just see how it goes though as dont wnat to be too resrtricting x
Annie any news on your mum? Try not to stress and good luck for tom ;)

Yeah sending best wishes to your mum and you for tomorrow. Let us know how she is and how you get on

Hope your Mum's OK after her surgery Annie

Sorry to hear your mum is in hosp Annie my sister had that op last year and it was a great success she was up and about 12 hours after op just need take things easy for a while
Hope your interview goes well and you can get to visit her later big hugs huni :)

Annie how's mum and how did interview go?

Good luck with your interviews Donna & Annie x

Thank you everyone - I've had such a nightmare few days. Today is my fourth day not at the gym and food hasn't been a first thought at all. I think it will just be best to draw a line under this week and start again!

Mum is doing really well, thank you all for your thoughts. I managed to see her, I was able to leave a bit early from work on Tuesday. She was all doped up, but I've never seen her looking so relaxed and happy - I think she's relieved that it's finally all over! She's had an awful lot of problems in that department for as long as I can remember. She should hopefully be discharged today or tomorrow, they had her up and about yesterday.

I didn't get the job. I cried and cried last night. OH has done a fab job with helping me, he's found a vacancy 5 mins from our front door, so I am applying for that today.

Best of luck with your interview Donna, I'm sure you'll do well xoxo
That's a shame Annie but good news about the other vacancy and on a positive you have had some interview experience in preparation for it. Did other place give you feed back?
Excellent news about your mum. That must be a relief. Wouldn't worry about food, just start afresh and you will be fine x
Had my weigh in tonight and I've gone down another 1.5 lbs!
So thrilled! :)

Well done that's fab :) Hope your enjoying slimming world as well

Well done M155chw, thats another great loss. How are you enjoying SW so far?

Hope you all have a good SW day. Off to work again at this awful hour & its only going to get worse with the clocks going back on Sunday, with not only driving to work in the dark but coming home in it.......hate the winter! Im also forcing down Quorn sausages & beans......need some substance to put up with rowdy, undisciplined, disruptive year 11's.....could use some unsavoury adjectives to describe them but......!!!!!!! My job is varied to say the least! x

The dark starts are awful aren't they. Although hopefully I'll be having more of them soon ;)

Kim how come your with the kids?I know you said you were with your client but am intrigued...also known as nosey ;)

Annie how's mum and how did interview go?

Donna good luck for today. It's an early interview so you will prob get this once its over. Hope it went well ;)

Woke up feeling that feeling. My habit of eating crisp and chocolate at night is wearing off. Had one pack crisp and one bar chocolate in nearly two weeks. In fact two chocolate but honestly feels good.
ALso couldn't resist scales today for that reason....know it doesn't count but I was happy lol

Thank you, well I think it went okay, will find out later today. I still think the other lady will get it as she's doing it already but we'll see. Some very positive things were said.
Well done on breaking the chocolate and crisp habbit :)

Client goes to school so I'm there to look after her medically, the TA's do the school bit! I have to sit in the classes so observe what goes on grrrr!!!
Tuttut standing on the scales a day early! But do love that slim feeling too! Well done on resisting the evening munchies, but you know that you can still have choccies & crisp within syns.....galaxy ripples are my fave at the mo 9 syns worth!

Good luck with your interviews Donna & Annie x

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

Thank you too.

Thank you everyone - I've had such a nightmare few days. Today is my fourth day not at the gym and food hasn't been a first thought at all. I think it will just be best to draw a line under this week and start again!

Mum is doing really well, thank you all for your thoughts. I managed to see her, I was able to leave a bit early from work on Tuesday. She was all doped up, but I've never seen her looking so relaxed and happy - I think she's relieved that it's finally all over! She's had an awful lot of problems in that department for as long as I can remember. She should hopefully be discharged today or tomorrow, they had her up and about yesterday.

I didn't get the job. I cried and cried last night. OH has done a fab job with helping me, he's found a vacancy 5 mins from our front door, so I am applying for that today.

Best of luck with your interview Donna, I'm sure you'll do well xoxo

So sorry you didn't get it although hopefully you'll get this other one, everything happens for a reason.

Glad your mums okay too :)

I'm so nervous now its silly, I feel worse then when I had the interview although that's probably a good thing at least I'm going crazy now. I'm sat here with two drinks as I made one and then for some reason boiled the kettle so thought I might as well have the other one as well. I'm having today off the crosstrainer as I'm just itching waiting for this call (they won't call now as its lunch time but still) I'm going running tonight though and have done loads of walking and will do more today so its not too bad missing the crosstrainer and crunches (I'll do the crunches over the weekend instead)
Wow wow wow fancied a bit of "stodge" so turned my hand to sw chips. Swear they were amazing. Have tried them before but got it wrong. So I bought a mesh tray for oven....amazing. ha ha think I have found my new thing ;)