Hey :wavey:
I admire tattoos & piercings alot

epecially if a persons got a nice collection

or their nipple/s pierced :drool: :sign0007: too much info!
I have 3 tattoos so far, back of neck, lower back and left hip bone and I want to get a japanese inspired backpiece of a dragon someday, when the finances are better! :sigh2:
Piercings, well ive gone through phazes where I either want alot, few or none. At the mo its just my ears

But at various times I've had done, my upper ears, nipple (twice) navel, genital piercing and lip.
At the mo im gonna wait till I get down to, and can maintain, the size/weight I'm aiming for before I get a big piece done.
Mahina Lani - I know what u mean about belly piercings catching on your clothes, twas flippin annoying!!!
Hope everyone is fine and well (loosing weight too!!!)
Summertime, its always nice to see people with their body art out
Lei xxx