Anyone into Tattoos,Piercings & Body Modification?

So next on the agenda... I am having laser removal on one tattoo on my back - shown below (only 1-2 sessions as I want a cover up) & have 3 more tattoos planned :)


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Tattooist said it could do with lighten coz I want brightly coloured flowers over? Wonder if it might be worth getting a second opinion first?? Thanks x
I'm not a tattooist but I have seen a lot of cover up work and I would have thought that a good tattooist could find a way to cover that into a new tattoo and save you a lot of money, which would raise my suspicion if the tattooists are also offering the laser treatment. I would find some other tattooists and show them what you want and get their opinion. I'm assuming you wouldn't be having a really small tattoo over that one so therefore I can't see why someone couldn't convert that into a new design.
Hiya sorry for late reply, no it's a decent size tattoo going over the top but tattooist said if I didn't lighten it I might not be able to have the colors I wanted... To be fair to him he didn't say who to go to for lasering etc so I'm hoping it was a genuine opinion... I'm having it lasered tomorrow & booking my foot tattoos while out and about tomorrow too :eek: hoping to get them done next week after pay day!!! X
I have my both my left and right tragus pierced along with my navel. I have 6 tattoos. It reads " Relax. The fault is in our stars" across my pelvis and on my right hip I have St. Christopher and on the left I have an open bird cage with birds flying out. I have this too shall pass (in spanish) on my left wrist and the names of my brother and my best friend on my ankles.
I have 3 tats and an eyebrow piercing. I would never do the eyebrow again-- hurt like hell. Always wanted my tongue done though.

My tats were drawn by my friend who is an artist/has his own shop in NYC. I have one on the back of my left shoulder with my sister's initials with a pair of angel's wings (thus the name). She died in a car accident in '94. That was my first one. The other one is of a koi fish... love that one. It's on my ankle. And the third one says "VEGAN" in a standard looking font on my right inner wrist. I really wish I hadn't gotten vegan done though, considering I go back and forth between being a vegan and being a vegetarian. :( Ah well. Hopefully one day I will be able to stick to being a vegan, but until then, it's a good reminder to keep working towards that goal and staying there. :)
I have my nose pierced,both my helix's pierced, my ears pierced x 2 and 1 tattoo... I want to get my rook pierced and maybe another tattoo ;)
id get tattoos every day if i could afford but cant humph.. atm 3/4 through a tribal sleeve on my right arm and have a few tattoos on my left arm but thinking of getting a cover and getting something abit body... also been thinking of getting my lip pierced duno why but think they look cool and gives me something else to chew when im board of chewing my tongue stud
I've got a septum piercing and three tiny little tattoos!
Two on my fingers and one on the back of my neck. I'll be rewarding my weightloss with tattoos though hopefully!!
I have three tattoos and ear piercings including my tragus.

Corset piercings aren't really my cup of tea but I reckon I'd pull them out by being careless if I got them tbh :p

Not sure if I will get anymore tattoos as I need to keep them discreet - people are still really judgemental about tattoos and piercings which annoys me.
A Tongue-web piercing seems a little bit tempting but I think my tongue web is too feeble for it so I probably won't get it done - standard tongue-piercings tend to be looked down upon for some unknown reason so I won't be getting one of those done :/
I have to stick my hand in the air.

I've got 6 tattoos, all fairly small, and are dragons. I also have 21 piercings, 12 in my left ear and a few more lower down :D
I have 6 tattoos and my ears pierced twice. I used to have them done three times and my nose pierced and one top of ear but they've closed up.

I def want more tattoos though :D All mine mean something, even the stupid one I got when I was 18 . They're bloody addictive ;)
I've got 3 tattoo's (wrist, foot & back) and both ears pierced 3 times.