Sandy i would go back to the docs hun. I had gallstones and it was wrongly diagnosed as gastroenteritis so many times. I suffered it for almost 3 years on and off until it got to the point i was having attacks every night lasting hours. A simple ultrasound will tell them if it is gallstones and a keyhole op fixes it. I had my gallbladder removed in september 2009 and have not had a single attack since.
Oh and the pain, for me when it first started it was a sharp really sore pain in the top of my stomach between breastbone, more at the right side and sometimes made my back really sore. More common for an attack to happen at night as well....and being sick relieves the pain a bit.
Dont let it get too bad hun.....its really easy mis diagnosed (probably to save the nhs money they will put it down to other things before suggesting ultrasounds etc). Also just to note, because mine was left so long i now have osoephageal reflux which i'll probably have for life now....because i was sick so many times during the time i had gallstones that its damaged my osoephagus (spelling?). If you dont want surgery or whatever there is a simple tablet (nexium or lansoprazole) that really help to reduce the attacks. Worth asking about
Gallstones are VERY common in people who have lost a lot of weight in a short period of time....
Let us know how u get on xxx