Hiya guys
I have kinda decided that i am not getting anything out of going for weekly weigh ins at the class and so have decided to carry on following the plan from home.
Has anyone done this successfully? or does it fall by the wayside?
I cant really afford to be throwing away £5 per week at the moment and i never stick around for the meetings as i find them a bit pointless to be honest.
Would be interested to hear if anyone managed to continue on to lose weight without the groups?
Hi Paul, I'm doing it from home for various reasons - I'm a carer and also lack of money. With the help of this forum I am finding SW great - I "weigh in" on a Monday and then fill in my food diary each week - to be honest I know I wouldn't do as good if I didn't have this forum. I guess it is just a personal thing - what works for one doesn't necessarily work for everybody. I need to lose this weight primarily to improve my health (I have Crohn's Disease) but it would also be great to have my confidence boosted too. Good luck with your weight loss journey Paul and hopefully I will be able to read about your journey here xx