Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

OMG... Dats a lot of water!!! Hope scales rewards u in d mornin... Exercise walkin to and from d loo wud count ;-) go girl!
I've had some jellies and CHoc ... 4 Mother's Day... All shared so no binging... Yeah!!!
Clocks goin back tonight.... Dark mornings will be a struggle but d xtra stretch in d evenings will be welcome!
I asked my OH 2 buy me a mango yday.... Came home with one... Thought it was a strange shape... Turned out to be a papaya... Full of seeds and rather bitter .. So cud only eat half....
Very good sharing ur chocs, is that a halo I see???:D
I know, u feel spring weather coming closer with lighter nites.
Typical re ur OH isn't it? Men :rolleyes:
Dont think I fancy a papaya now :D mango tho Mmmm

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Kitty vomited Everythg again at 11,30... Looks like watery blood... Rang locum... She said not 2 give her any more water... To wait and see how she is in d mornin... Power since gone in her back legs... Its gonna be a long night... Hope she's still breathing ... Will bring her 2 an emergency vet who is better equipped Fingers crossed!!


Lashing from d heavens... Horrid out! Better sleep...cross Everythg 4 her!
Crossing everything for kitty. She looks really ill!! Let me know, as worrying for her now.

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Hows kitty? Hope she's better?
Went up to my mams for lunch, had a chicken dinner with home made gravy!!!! Hope it hasnt stopped weight loss!!!

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Hi What a roller coaster of a night and day...Kitty vomited at 11.30 last night and then lost d power in her legs... I rang d vet after she vomited and was told not 2 syringe any more fluids... Stayed up til 3 with her ... No better at 7 so rang d vet at 8... And she put her 2 sleep at 8.30... All devastated .... We miss her awful !!
Came home and OH buried her in d garden ... I went online Lookin at pups... We drove an hour and a half and bought a 9 wk old Jack Russell boy ... Kids have christened him Russell... It has cheered dem up but der in bits and still crying on and off as they miss Kitty so much...
Needed d distraction plus he's adorable



Ur din sounded scrummy... I must check scales in d mornin... Stress and upset took my appetite away... What a wkend!!
Ahhh i'm so sorry, been worrying about her all day!! It hits so hard I know, they're like part of the family. Only thing is she was with someone she loved at the end, and is now out of pain. Ur diet is the last thing on ur mind I know.
The pup looks lovely, not that I know a lot about dogs as i'm a cat person, but hopefully it will cheer them up. Thinking of u all.
With stress I eat not starve, i'm sorry to say.

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Ahhh Tanx Jeanette...its Amazin how much ya miss dem and sometimes think ya see dem outside... heart breaking!
Vet said she had stroke when she lost d power in her legs... Dont know what caused it... Maybe cat Leukemia .. She wasn't convinced that she had d symptoms of eating poison.... I suppose we'll never know!
Tired out today... Ill Definately need some coke zero 2 get me through today as Im tired out! Fingers crossed my little darlings r on der best behaviour today all 29 of dem... Whoever invented make up is a life saver... Think Id frighten them wout it today!! :) I better get up and out :-(
Thinking of u all today, it's hard i know. at least she's not in any pain now, hope u have had a quiet day today,

Have had a quiet day myself, had soup for first meal, then prob at about 5.30 will have shepherds pie, then prob a bar later on.
Hello all its the start of week 5 on the diet now not long finished work not to bad this week as only on half shifts so will be able to manage more with the water intake
really enjoyed my little night away but was straight back on the diet on the saturday.

Jeanette really sorry about your cat hun big hugs.

not going to weigh myself till further in the week with going away
Hi Jayne, glad u are still going strong, i had a meal at my mothers yesterday as well, it was lush, real gravy lol :D straight back on the wagon tho today. managing water better this week as well, had 3.5 ltrs to 4 ltrs last two days, and on 2.5ltrs at the moment. :D
Oh and it was shoebe who lost her cat, very sad :(
Just caught up on the thread, so sorry for your loss shoebe, you must be so upset, at least kitty isn't In pain no more, she was lucky to have such a caring family as a lot of cats aren't treated so well xx
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Ah Tanx ... Kids r still quite emotional which is understandable ... Time is a gud healer plus Russell is a gr8 distraction... We brought him for his 1st jabs this evening and d vet dewormed him and cut his nails.. He's tiny... Full of energy! They can't wait til he's big enough 4 a collar and lead!
Thats good shoebe, gives them something else to think about. Will update u re scale 2moro.

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Jayne, hope you're having a good week. Bet you're looking forward to going away.

I'm quite pleased with how week 2 has gone - I lost 3lbs :)
Hi wiifit, that is great, keep going :D
Well I weighed and lost 2 1/4 lb pleased as went out for a meal thurs and a meal up my mothers sunday!!!!:D am now 3.5 lb away from next stone, then will be 12st something, hoping to do that in the nxt 2 weeks before I go on holidays :rolleyes:

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Hi shoebe, hope so, as would love to be that, as last time was that weight (not for long alas:( ) was when I was 20!!!!! Nearly 33 years ago :eek::eek::eek:
My cat has a new spot!!! Under my pc!! 1396462488831.jpg

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Ahhh 2 cute!! She looks beautiful!!! Id Luv another cat but we've our hands full with d puppy! He's quite clever... getting d hang of toilet training on a training pad!!


My Mam had a knee replacement replaced this afternoon in d hospital... Hope she makes a speedy recovery as big op getting last one taken out as it was a disaster... Pain and burning for 2 whole yrs... It'll give her a new lease of life if its successful! Fingers crossed! Need 2 do a fruit day of 500 cals tomoro ... Meeting after work til nearly 5... So no proper din... MIL 4got 2 keep any for me... At least OH and kids were fed!
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