Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

How's everyone else getting on?
Lost 2 and a quarter today! Not bad considering my nan made me get on the scales!! I was very scared as had a bad weekend! Good this week so far tho!!

How you doing?
Hi Guys, so it's day one and I feel great if I'm honest but then I have to be! This is it this time I will be skinny since I weighed myself today and was nearly sick:cry:Just thought I'd check in with you all and I'll keep you updated
Back yesterday from 10 days in Corfu. A whopping 17lbs heavier than the day I went!! I know from past experience that at least 10lb of that will be water and will be off by the weekend (hopefully) back on shakes today and been weeing for England and Corfu today! Had a lovely holiday, seat belt on plane had loads of room - which was a novelty. Didn't get out of breath walking around - felt much less self conscious around the pool and on the beach than I did at nearly 24 stones. Ate 3 meals a day, had a few ice creams, and a few beers while away and my body didn't quite know was happening.

Emmy Lu, I found when I was on 600 cals a day and working out daily (T25 workout + body pump classes) my weight loss stopped. I stopped the exercise and the weight loss started again. Seems ridiculous I know, but I think when you're putting so little in, your body just won't give up any more fat. I have decided to knock the exercise on the head until I am at goal then start it up again.

Jeanette - hope you're having a fab holiday - enjoy every minute!

Weighed in this morning after first day back on plan and 8lbs off already. It feels like the bread I ate while away has just acted like a giant sponge retaining lots if water. Another 9lb to lose to get back to pre holiday weight but imagine a couple more lbs will come off today.

Hope everyone ok x
Thanks for all the welcomes everyone :wave_cry:

I'm on day 10 and finding it ok so far but been so busy at work I'm forgetting to have my shakes when I should and then wondering why I'm feeling funny... need to remeber to have them! I'm allowing myself to have a mainly protein based meal each evening though.

@ Goldengirl - I know that feeling, weighed myself on the weekend for the first time in about 18 months and was really shocked and wouldnt even let my husband see or know. He weighed himself and he's 2 stone lighter than me - that's one big motivation, dont want to weigh more than him anymore!

@ Sparkley - good to hear how quickly you've lost the holiday 'weight' - reassures me a bit as I'll be going on hols in a couple of weeks time, still intend to do my shakes but I know that it's harder to stay on plan when you're away...
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Hi Rachella, last year I stuck to shakes and bars while on holiday with the odd Greek salad or grilled chicken here and there. Lost 3lbs while away and just focused on how much more I would enjoy my holiday this year for losing the weight... and I did! It didn't spoil my holiday and I felt good for sticking with it. You'll do fine and the beauty if this diet is that if you do have a few treats and gain some weight you can soon get it off again. Good luck x
Bit sad of me but I know, but took a photo of where the seat belt on the plane was last year. It was stretched to maximum and cutting me in two as I refused to ask for an extension. Plenty of room this year... Simple pleasures that make it all worthwhile! x


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Not sad at all!! You kinda gotta remember what you started as to ensure your never tempted to go back to it!! Well done you!!
Rachella make sure you're having your shakes it really slows down weight loss! And water too I know it can be hard to fit it all in esp when you're busy x
Hi can any ladies help im nearly through week three of my shake the weight shakes .im sticking to them brilliantly im nearly all the way through week three and have lost nothing at all since week two .what more can I do .I feel like giving up .all the expense ans no proper food for no loss :(
my experience

Hi there! I'm just starting this vlcd again but in the past I noticed I stopped losing weight on my second week. This was also the week of my period when your metabolism is naturally much lower and hormones stop you from losing weight. Juststick through this week. Keep drinking water and not too much coffee!! Cant stress that enough. Are you still exercising ? That might rev things up a bit too...
Hi can any ladies help im nearly through week three of my shake the weight shakes .im sticking to them brilliantly im nearly all the way through week three and have lost nothing at all since week two .what more can I do .I feel like giving up .all the expense ans no proper food for no loss :(
I had an emergency hysterectomy last year.they left my ovaries in but I dont know when my period would normally be .ill ride this week out then see how next week goes.yeah exercising a bit .thanks
Hope everyone has had a good week - have been really getting into the swing of things this week with the diet and had a good loss in my first proper weigh last weekend which gave me a boost that at least things are starting to move!

Have had a super busy week at work which meant no exercise since the weekend but have got spinning classes booked up Saturday and Sunday!

Is everyone enjoying the sunshine!? :)
I llost 3.5KG in my first week with this VLCD! First time I've lost weight in ages since nothing else worked! Currently weighing in every Monday so aiming for 2 KG.. I've been having protein and low carb meals aswell as the shakes since I get food through work.
I don't really feel like I'm losing the weight as rapidly now but I guess that would be expected! I'm just going to keep on pushing since I have the entire box to get through!!
Would love to know everyone elses experiences! x
Just had a weighin today! Lost another 1.8KG and possibly more but becuase I'm not having much fibre with the meal replacements I've been getting a bit constipated... Anyone else had this problem? I'm doingwell in Ketosis not having an carbs so not so keen on fruit... took some herbal pills.. I've been taking photos every couple of days and the difference in my body shape is amazing! week 3 is always the hardest for me with new programmes so I hope it's not too difficult! Will be trying to get more toned this week with reps and possibly running.
How are everyone else's results???

Week 1: Lost 3.5KG
Week 2: Lost 1.8 KG
Goal: to lose 8KG (10% BW) so 2.7 to go!
Well done Ali on you're loss! Are you drinking a minimum of 2L water each day? The only time I have got constipated is when I'm not drinking enough x
Hey everyone I'm new and starting the shake the weight diet on Monday!

This is my last weekend of food enjoyment before my "transformation" (as I am now calling it instead of a diet!) lol

I've previously done Cambridge diet for 11 days and lost 12lb but didn't stick it out (which I've always regretted!) and of course put the weight and more back on ?

I'm more determined than ever this time and know by setting Monday as my date I will stick it out, I've got about 5st to scary I know!!

I've looked through this feed and think it's fab how you all support each other and I'm hoping to tag along ? xx
Welcome Lisa! Wishing you lots of luck it's soo worth it in the end!! Just take it day by day!! X
Hi Tara3112! Yeah I'm looking forward to getting started!

I'm reducing my carbs now so hopefully it won't be too bad come Monday!

How you getting on? X