Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

Aw bless you pink at times everything seems to get on top and it happens. Am sure you can just move on from it. It's only one bit not the whole thing so pay yourself on the back and move on.

Had busy day my best mate Anthony came over so we sat in the garden and chin wagged. He had few cans of lager and I made him few giant sandwiches : ( gave Clyde the ham and roast beef left overs.

When he went I immediately sprayed the ciabatta bread and salad with flash to resist temptation x I hate wasted food x

Nite ladies will text tomoz after weigh in x
Jax that's marvelous, :D how much have you lost now?

I have TOM today :( good timing or what? on add a meal as well:mad:, not a happy bunny lol. Oh well, wasn't expecting a loss anyway, just hope now that i don't have a gain!!!

Received my packs today, not trying them till i come back from holidays though.
Thank you Jeanette think its 24lb not home so can't check properly.

Well you having ToM is good before Sunday. Means that the puffy bloat will be over with by then win win situation. :)

2 of my nursing friends want us to go for lunch next Wednesday. It's ok the no drink as they no I don't but its the meal. I can't put it off as am desperate for a good old gossip and catch up. So I'm going to try and do chicken or fish salad. I wished it wasn't day before weigh in :(

Thanks Jax, positive thinking, i know. 24lb thats excellent, only another 4lb to go for 2 stone!!! whoo whoo

I know its awkward, but only having chicken and a green salad, no dressing on salad, should be ok, like you said, it might give you a boost.
Thank you girls my reward to myself? A new bra :)

Down in the 15s yes! Way down! Not going to tell Tom the total til he comes home. Hopefully he will really notice otherwise am dragging him to specsavers for Mr Mcgoo goggles :)

Jeanette try not to weigh til Sunday. I know easier said than done for you. But you know everything is working really well for you and most of your mission is accomplished as you have proven to yourself that sensible eating can work. Try not to worry to much xxx
Thanks Jax, will really try this week, will give you an update saying not weighed today, every morning :D

Have you gone down much in bra size? i have gone down one cup and one back size, wish it was more though, as i hate a large bust:sigh:

When i go on holiday to Ibiza, i am going to take a homemade crustless quiche for on the plane, so made it today to see what its like, my mother is coming down tomorrow to taste it lol. i will have a small taste with salad
Jax that's fantastic you must be so happy!
Jeanette are you allowed to take food on aeroplanes? I recently went on one and they confiscated my food!
Im having good time today, aiming to lose 2lb tomorrow so that I'll have lost the stone!
Have a nice day. X
Hi everyone,

Pink hope you lose at least 2 lb, will cross my fingers for you :D lol.
I usually take sandwiches, and haven't been stopped yet, have taken them for a few years. So hope so, otherwise will be starving by the time we land, as we fly at 7.25, to early to have breakfast before i go :(.
Good luck Pink fingers and paws crossed 2lb xxx Pink you have done well in hard times but am sure you will do well and get your stone.

Ps if your going away for your hols can you loan me your treadmill :) ha ha I will look after it real good.

Jeanette I've went from 44e to a 42 G. It doesn't seem a lot but my bras where getting baggy/loose cups? Not bothered about my drawers but need support up there plus makes my shape better if you know what I mean. I've always had biggish boobs so I've learnt to live with them. Even at my lightest was still 38d.

I'm like you Pink I didn't think you could take food on plane? I know sweets/choc are allowed but last year they did stop people with food/sandwiches and also water/ pop if open.

Crustless quiche do you make it with eggs/cottage cheese and veg? I used to make it all the time.
Thanks girls,really love your support!
When I flew they took all our food sweets and all! We had to buy again in duty free at 4times the price! We were lucky tho was a long haul and had great food!
treadmill coming tomorrow!!!!! I'm so happy, will be on it all the time hopefully! We are away for 6 weeks, so it will be collecting dust! I think my sons are going to come and use it. Was such a great deal! £300 from £700!!
Yes made it with eggs, cottage cheese and chives, Greek 0% Greek yogurt. i put onion (cooked in micro with fry light), red peppers, i also put some wafer thin ham in. put some half fat grated cheese on top, so hoping for the best. yes i know you can take pop/water on board.

I've gone from a 46 E (sometimes g) to a 44DD. When i was a 16 i was still a 40 D (would love to be a C or even a B cup :D)
I also always lose from my bust first. Was a 44dd when i started losing weight earlier this year. Now 40d as have lost nearly 2stone! Would love to lose more from around my stomach, has gradually got bigger and bigger over the years!!
I have a lot of bras in different sizes , that unfortunately I can't throw as I know I always go up and down:(
Girls I don't think we need to fly anywhere we can just use our bras as catapults. People in one cup and luggage in the other x ha ha :)

Isn't it amazing how many family/friends are happy to use your stuff when you buy it? But your treadmill is an amazing bargain pink.

So Jeanette is going to rave in Ibiza am Shirley valentine in Greece and pink are you doing a year (6wks) in Provence?

Pink we all support each other and you will be there when we need hiked up by our bra straps xxx
You do make me laugh!!!!:happy096:
im 6 weeks in the south,looking forward to every minute!
We should write a diary of our holidays and put it all together and publish. I'm sure we would have a few tales to tell!
we are all rather well endowered in the bust area! Not a bad thing, I quite like my cleavage!
today has been a weird day kept looking like rain,then sunny really couldn't make it's mind up! Went out with friend for coffee which is always nice, then did bit of shopping.
Hi all, lol Shirley, sorry i mean Jax, that conjures a picture :D What would we call the airline? British Braways??? :D

Been a horrid day here, all rainy and misty, not cold though, so i suppose one out of three ain't bad lol.
Hello ladies! I got my shakes today so will stay tomorrow! I'm excited to lose all this fat! I'm 13 stones hoping to lose a stone in four week then I'll be fasting! My plan is

7.30. Shake
10.30 fruit
1.30 shake
4.00 shake
7.00 protein meal
Loads of water in between!

Sounds ok?

Also is it ok to hav lemon and honey water in morning and apple cider vinegar in the evening?
Need loads of support! !!!