I'm on day 6 and no loss on the scales today, a bit disheartening but I was expecting it.
Think I'm struggling mentally today. I keep telling myself that there are 2 kinds of hard, the first hard is being fat, being unhappy, not wearing what I like and wondering wether people are sniggering and laughing at me, the second hard is the hard work you need to lose the weight and ultimately feel better about all these things, I guess the battle inside between fat me and skinny me is going at it today! Fat me is like "come on seriously 6 days no food - you will die. Honestly." And the skinny me is like "yeah six days, and I'm going to do another 6 because I want to feel good this summer so pipe down fatty!"
Lol sorry. I'm just surprised its day 6 that I have hit the mehhh wall. I don't feel hungry. It is literally the emotional stomach not my physical one!
Sian how have you been doing? X