Silver Member
Have had a muzzy head all day lol, taken tabs but not worked
, serves me right lol
had a lovely evening, drank red wine, when usually drink white, so am convinced its that, as have drank the same amount of white wine and had no hangover. but it might have something to do with the vodka and coke (one glass) that i finished on lol 
Been to town today, missed the rain thank god, as it started to rain heavy on the way home in the car. bought a new pair of leggings from marks outlet, 7.50, was buy one and get one half price but they didn't have another in my size!!!! typical lol
Been to town today, missed the rain thank god, as it started to rain heavy on the way home in the car. bought a new pair of leggings from marks outlet, 7.50, was buy one and get one half price but they didn't have another in my size!!!! typical lol