Silver Member
Well done ... Google what 1.5lbs looks like and Ul b pleased... First u need 2 see if Ur holdin water... Press Ur thumb into d base of Ur shin and hold for 10secs... If Ur left with a big indent... Then Ul know Ur retaining fluid... Might need a diuretic .. Think ders one called... Dont laugh.... waterworks... In d health shop..
ders probably some herbal teas that cud help.. Holland and Barratt workers r a mindful of info if u ask dem...
I know my mother takes a diuretic tablet daily since she went thro d change...
U deserve a treat on weigh in day... Only thg is that d bread will take u out of ketosis ... Mayb Stirfry veg with chicken breast or steak and salad might be a better option.. Smthg u cud look 4ward 2 on WI day.. Otherwise Ul have a water gain coz of d carbs in d bread... Takes 2-3 days 2 lose Dat then Ur body can attack any fat Ur body has stored... So perhaps Ur slowin thgs down... Im no expert!!!
Big congrats losin 1.5... Fantastic total loss 4 d mth!!! Well done!!
Still on track today.. Phew.. Im busy busy which is gr8 .. Havin a Cold strawberry shake at d mo... Not d worst!! Then will cook din b4 cookin din... Will sip decaf coffee while cookin din ... won't be tasting it!!
I know my mother takes a diuretic tablet daily since she went thro d change...
U deserve a treat on weigh in day... Only thg is that d bread will take u out of ketosis ... Mayb Stirfry veg with chicken breast or steak and salad might be a better option.. Smthg u cud look 4ward 2 on WI day.. Otherwise Ul have a water gain coz of d carbs in d bread... Takes 2-3 days 2 lose Dat then Ur body can attack any fat Ur body has stored... So perhaps Ur slowin thgs down... Im no expert!!!
Big congrats losin 1.5... Fantastic total loss 4 d mth!!! Well done!!
Still on track today.. Phew.. Im busy busy which is gr8 .. Havin a Cold strawberry shake at d mo... Not d worst!! Then will cook din b4 cookin din... Will sip decaf coffee while cookin din ... won't be tasting it!!