Anyone want to loose 50lb and buddy up?

Need some help pping Boursin Garlic Cheese! I've eaten about 100g oops! But worth it!


Did u work it out - I saw 15pp on diary?! Hope it was yummy :) are u a savoury tooth? x
Hi Guys!

I am back for my night out... I officially have NO WEEKLIES!! lol... I had burgers and slices of pizza and random maltesers etc.. and lots of random booze and drinking games... all in all a very good night...

When I first arrived I only knew a few people but eventually got chatting and felt better... one lad was kinda flirty ....

Anyways... I ashamed to say that in spin the bottle I had to say who was the hottest and I picked the actual hottest (who was miles out of my league and with his girlfriend) this was clearly because I was being honest - she was not impressed I said this but it was hardly like I was trying it on lol... then again in the again another boy was dared to kiss me...awkward situation - outwardly I appear quite confident but immediately felt horrendous - and worried that it was like a punishment for him/he would think I am am disgusting (if that makes sense).. so anyways he was a good sport and tried to kiss me... lets just say it was awkward... grrr...

then the flirty one had to "motorboat me" (I hope that most people don't even know what that means! ...) - great?! how embarrasing - refuse and no fun, agree and awkward... .so generally a bit uncomfortable... and then a friend of mine (albeit she was being honest and not as nasty as it soungs) said that basically he was "desperate" - so despite at times feeling kinda confident re: flirting my friend pointed out that he was trying it on with anyone single...all this rambling is getting to the point that I had a lovely night with friends and generally a good giggle but felt uncomfortable at times and although having giggle with lads in a group dont feel like anyone would wanna touch me with a barge pole.. lol.. not depressing just true haha... can't wait till I feel confident about how I look!

Anyways I sound silly... I am starting the 30 day shred tomorrow! And I aim to earn 20AP tomorrow and sunday and 10AP mon and Tues and will use no weeklies just dailies till WI - hope I still lose!

Hugs to all :) xx
oh carly glad you had a good nite, sounds cracked and look, you used ur weeklys and thats what their there for so as you said a bit of ap and ul be grand. soz i have to say ur friend doesnt sound that nice, ok if the guy was flirting with everyone so what, you were just flirting too, no need for her to stick da boot in and say he was desperate, seriously with friends like that who needs enemies. sorry its a sore subject with me, i know what you mean about the whole 'oh he wouldnt go near me with a barge pole' thing, i was (is at times) the same. i couldnt believe a guy really liked me, not enough confidence in myself. there was a guy i had been flirting with, he was gorgeous, we hooked up a few times, i wasnt confident enough in the situation, didnt play it right i guess, didnt help when my best friend was 'helpin' telling him i wasnt that 'bothered' so he wouldnt get a big head. hmmm few wks later i find out shes shagging him. what do i do, comfort eat, pile on weight and here i am. sorry i just am a little sensitive when you say your friend said that to you, its not nice, its not supportive. ive found out who my friends are the last while and theyve been a great help to me. soz bout the moan. i am usually a lot more fun:D oh do tell me about this 30 day shred??
Awww lolo that's awful! Horrid friend! Glad I'm not the only one to feel like that! U will
Show them both how awesome u are :) 30 day shred is amazing!!!! It was hard work for 20 mins but I feel awesome now :) its like 2 mins warm up and then 3x 6 mins circuits - 3mins strength (with weights / squats/ lunges), 2 mins hardcore cardio, 1 min abs... then 2 mins cool down! Says u can lose up to 20lbs in 30 days and honestly I feel fab! Was £6 on amazon with free postage! :D do it!!!! X
oh my god that sounds hardcore alright, no wonder you cud lose that much. i really have to move my ass, im such a lazy cow when i want to be. ya know it took me a long time to get over the-well what i wont call them! so im doing it for me and yea i will show them. i must have a look on amazon, i have the sports active on the x box but its a pain cos all the intros of the exercise take up half the workout, i must get a zumba workout for it, it sounds cool. have you got the weight watchers app on your phone? i just got it on mine, its so cool:)
this time will be the last time!!!

Hi, I have to loose about 5 stone, i know its going to be really tough, but im ready for it!!! Goodluck to you and all the others on this forum, it is achievable!!!
welcome piebaldcob, wer all on the same journey so we'll pull each other along:D
i was just nosing around the site and came across this link on someones post. its got a load of pp values for various stuff and a lot of hints for tracking. gave it a quick look and it looks good,
Well I've gone and done it I wanted to exercise but wasn't sure what I have a cross trainer but it's not for me. So my husband bought me a mountain bike :) I live in a village in a forest so it's pretty but boy is it hilly. I went once round the lake (flat area) and I am done in :) feels great though may get addicted
:girlpower:well done katie, i went for a walk today, first for a while so gonna get back into it again. hope ur not too sore tomorrow
Hi all :)

Lolo- Zumba and 30DS are fab because u burn so many AP because they are intensive but also handy 20 min slots! :) u should defo try one of both...

Katie - exciting about the bike! Nice pressie :) good luck

Thanks girls :) I'd love to try zumba... But the DVDs are soooo expensive
Yea I agree but if u were going to classes it would be £5 a go so for four sessions worth u can have it at home for good :) x
Oh my I ache today! Off to do day 2! X
good on ya carly,il head for my walk later:)
Race For Life done in 40 Mins!

Well done Ruth on RFL :)
Katie i hope you carry on enjoying cycling, its the one form of exercise i stick to.
LOL well done on your first walk, hope the weather was nice.
And Carly i would take my hat off to you if i was wearing one, i tried 30DS and i thought i was going to have a heart attack, i managed 8 mins before feeling like someone was sat on my chest making me unable to breath. I will try it again soon...also a big thxs for all the hugs and well wishes, been on a destruction course this weekend and eaten like an animal, so back to normal tomorrow, positive thinking and will let you know what they say at the hospital on thursday, its makes me all warm inside knowing how much support i have from ppl on here...big hugs everyone :)
Well done Ruth!

Get bk to it Needsmotivation ;) hope course was ok x
well done ruth. NM i had a good walk yesterday and today thanks, weather was nice, dry at least. i dont blame ya for piggin out, a lot on your mind. tomorrow is another day. am thinkin of ya, and will chat ya before thurs :)